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Howdy. Anyone having a good day?
I am. Got to start late since had to take son to first day of daycare. Looks like since we gave my sites to someone while I was out, they get now get to keep them and I get to move on to bigger better things, but they can't talk about it just yet. I'm in Limbo this week until the boss gets back, cuz we aren't sure if he really meant everything.

I have to come back to work tonight for a public meeting...downside of govt work!
Downside...that's overtime (well comptime for me). The last two public meetings I had to go to, absolutely no one from the public showed up. Just me, the Air Guard folks and the contractors.

If people you've never met are going to harass you via e-mail, they should, at the very least, use spelling and grammar that somewhat resembles the English language.

MSIFAPTM's ex-in laws been sending you dirty emails?

Actually, the boyfriend/ex boyfriend? of one of my friends back in Texas. It was basically "jibberish, jibberish, nude photos, jibberish, idle threat regarding being in the military, jibberish, jibberish." He stopped sending replies after I used a big word he didn't understand, and I told him to give his girlfriend a kiss on the cheek for me.

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