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Me too. Except that I somehow always end up feeling responsible and doing the extra work to get it done......


Me too. Except that I somehow always end up feeling responsible and doing the extra work to get it done......
Appears we're exceptions to the rule...I worked till midnight last Wednesday to get a project done.

Just beat alternate finish #1 for Grand theft Auto 4, now to attempt alternate finish #2

Just got back from gassing up the plane and plugging in the engine heater for a flight tomorrow. Snow on the ramp + golf cart used for a tug = Golf cart donuts!

have some tea!

I need to go back in to work pretty soon :smileyballs:

I ask in all caps because we are but mere state workers, you and I. We lack drive and ambition, right?
this is a furlough week so I am strictly forbidden from working more than 32 hrs. I seriously considering saying fuck it and phoning it in.

Ha! it's warm up here this week. The elk came down today looking for spring grass.

Where's all the snow everyone's been talking about?! I expected to walk into 14 ft snowwalls here in Colorado, but I haven't seen a bit!

Just beat alternate finish #1 for Grand theft Auto 4, now to attempt alternate finish #2

I'm thinking of going back and replaying "infamous" to be good instead of evil this time, though part of the plot was extremely confusing and the game was very repetitious. It will likely take a back seat until I finish Assassin's Creed 2. I've also got the downloadable content for Arkham Asylum to play. The graphics in that game were top notch.

Wednesday morning :plusone:

I'm off to visit a client today. Happy spamming.

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