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Damn it, the meeting is over... almost stretched it out for the whole day... granted I am going to bill a whole day to it and I didn't even fall asleep once!

I have almost finished the most difficult task in engineering. What is that one may ask, is it sending a man to the moon....no. Is it splitting the atom.......no. Is it designing airplanes that will break the sound barrier......absolutely not. Is it designing skyscrapers....hell no. I have just completed the stormwater design for a wastewater treatment plant. All the aforementioned engineers can go screw themselves because I'm smarter.

I'm watching six people standing around staring into a hole they dug outside my office.....I guess that makes SEVEN people staring into the hole!

Post meeting bliss... actually got some billable work for 1/2 a day later this week as a result.


+1 before I slowly breakdown my meeting crap and head back to my office... that should take a while...

If people you've never met are going to harass you via e-mail, they should, at the very least, use spelling and grammar that somewhat resembles the English language.

If people you've never met are going to harass you via e-mail, they should, at the very least, use spelling and grammar that somewhat resembles the English language.

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