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I think I'm going for an STP dipper at Groucho's today. Capt and ElCid know what I'm talkin bout.
The Groucho's in Colatown is pretty pricey. I prefer Andy's Deli if I'm in Five Points, but Hooligan's has them both beat.

Never been to Hooligan's. Is that the place with all the goofy shit on the walls and the mozzarella sticks?

I definitely prefer Andy's but there is no Andy's in Chucktown. :(
Hooligan's is in Trenholm Plaza. Don't remember anything odd on the walls...

Yeah, Buff, that's mi casa!

Yeah, Buff, that's mi casa!
Well, you are always talking about some delicious sammiches. I just figured that you and the missus had opened up shop.
As many overpriced sammich shops as there are in Colatown, we probably could. dang college kids will spend all kinds of mommy and daddy's money on food.

I never understood paying a lot of money for a sandwich. It's not like it's hard to make your own at home.
Yeah, I know what you mean. That's why I have a hard time going to those places. We really only go if we're already in the area for something else.

It is the never ending meeting... now we are sitting and waiting for someone to call in...


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