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I was hoping that they would announce 4Q bonuses today, but the books from December are still open for 2009 closeout. We were profitable in Oct. and Nov., so as long as Dec wasn't horrible, we should be getting something.

There are 5 or 6 double posts now. I don't think the are all going to get fixed, so we might as well ignore them at this point.

I got mine a stuffed Hippo puppet for her 30th. Granted it was the same hippo from NCIS (Abbey's "farting" hippo, Bert), which is her favorite show.

I think the custodian is pissed at us... we are throwing out old drawing sets faster than he can shuttle them to the dumpster...

You can never go wrong with jewelry. How about a necklace?

Does she like to read? Does she have any hobbies or interests besides driving you crazy?

I wish they'd offer up some retirement stuff here because I think some people would take it. They are just laying people off
My company isn't laying anyone off but has offered incentivized departing packages since about 25% of the company is within 5 yrs of retirement age. It's interesting to watch the dynamic proceed forward ... creates some interesting drama for those who are so inclined.


Oh puhleaze!!! It was -10F here with the windchill with plenty of the white stuff.
Hey!! Nobody held a gun to your head and made you move to the Frozen North.
I actually kinda like it ... strangely tranquil.

In the next month or so, I am imagining an exchange between Mrs. JR and I that sounds a lot like this ....

Mrs JR: What happened to my Jeep?!

JR (in the Long Duck Dong Voice): Automobile???!! Vroom .. (screech) ... *CRASH* ...

I got mine a stuffed Hippo puppet for her 30th. Granted it was the same hippo from NCIS (Abbey's "farting" hippo, Bert), which is her favorite show.
Hey ... where can I get one of those?! Mrs. JR is REALLY wanting one .. I am thinking Valentine's Day gift! :true:

You can never go wrong with jewelry. How about a necklace?
Does she like to read? Does she have any hobbies or interests besides driving you crazy?
On a serious note, there seems to be a trend in women who like the personalized jewelry being sold at some sites, for instance http://www.etsy.com/

It is reasonably priced, shows that you are trying to support a fellow person rather than corporation, and shows that you placed some thought into the gift.

My :2cents:


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