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Of course, the whole public defender crap comes into play. Can't expect much done by the state-appointed legal reps. You can bet that I will gladly shell out my own money for a good lawyer when the time comes.
what about the child welfare office? or are they held to the court's direction? visitations with a felon don't seem proper.

Of course, the whole public defender crap comes into play. Can't expect much done by the state-appointed legal reps. You can bet that I will gladly shell out my own money for a good lawyer when the time comes.
what about the child welfare office? or are they held to the court's direction? visitations with a felon don't seem proper.

They wouldn't even warrant an inspection of his home despite us mentioning that he lied on a police report, left his daughter with someone else so he could go to a bar (which violates his parole), and that he has firearms, including a handgun, in his possession.

I have zero faith in the court system today. It's an f'd up world we live in, and people are just too lazy to care.

Like my dad always says, if you want justice go to the whorehouse, if you want to get fucked, go to the courthouse.

Edit: It's just a saying, I know my father has never been to the whorehouse.

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Like my dad always says, if you want justice go to the whorehouse, if you want to get fucked, go to the courthouse.
Edit: It's just a saying, I know my father has never been to the whorehouse.

That's about as accurate a statement as I've ever heard!

Of course, the whole public defender crap comes into play. Can't expect much done by the state-appointed legal reps. You can bet that I will gladly shell out my own money for a good lawyer when the time comes.
what about the child welfare office? or are they held to the court's direction? visitations with a felon don't seem proper.

Yea, i don't see how they can allow a convicted felon to have unsupervised visits. I agree that our court system is f'ed up.

Dickface's family sounds like the kind that always come out with "he was such a good kid" argument when he is killed by police during the course of a shootout or something. They are so delusional it's ridiculous.

Good Morning! I'm wondering if the people in the tall building across the street can see real well into my office? and now thinking back to see if there was something I've done that would have been embarrassing? lol

Dickface's family sounds like the kind that always come out with "he was such a good kid" argument when he is killed by police during the course of a shootout or something. They are so delusional it's ridiculous.

You got that right. It's such a stereotypical setup. She's divorced after the husband realized she was basically a giant bitch (very loud, obnoxious, always tries to control the situation), remarried to a guy who stands outside and drinks in the driveway because he can't stand her, and tries to play supermom after raising a scumbag. She knows that his time with custody (or out of jail for that matter) is limited, so she tries to act super nice to MIAF whenever she's talking to her face. Fortunately for us, MIAF sees through her like an Anderson window that someone just cleaned with Invisible Glass and a Shamwow.

She actually had the balls to ask MIAF "when this silly charade would end" so the two of them could get back together and "be a family again." Yes, I'm sure the woman who took out a restraining order on your son and is trying to get him locked up in every possible manner is just clamoring to reunite with him :screwloose:

Good Morning! I'm wondering if the people in the tall building across the street can see real well into my office? and now thinking back to see if there was something I've done that would have been embarrassing? lol

Did you put your clothes back on yet?

Dickface's mother has probably been an enabler his entire life. I really hope for junior's sake that you and the lady friend get sole custody.

In all seriousness Supe, have you thought about popping the question? Sounds like you're really taken with this girl and you sure are putting up with an unmerciful amount of crap to be with her.

Dickface's mother has probably been an enabler his entire life. I really hope for junior's sake that you and the lady friend get sole custody.
In all seriousness Supe, have you thought about popping the question? Sounds like you're really taken with this girl and you sure are putting up with an unmerciful amount of crap to be with her.

It'll probably happen eventually. Still need to see how things play out for a while. In the meantime, I have a financial situation to consider, living arrangements, my personal health, etc. We're both content with the way things are for the most part. If not for the issues surrounding junior, everything would be great. She refuses to borrow any money from me despite losing her job, she cooks, cleans, we rarely argue, and have loads of fun together. Maybe I'll look into things 6 months or so down the road when things have stabilized and we have a clear picture of how things are going to shape up. I will say that if things did end between us, it would be very difficult to part ways both with her, and with junior.

Honestly, the way I just keep trudging through it is to remind myself that sooner or later, karma is going to come back to bite him in the ass. Even if we move and he's allowed some sort of visitation, he's too big a deadbeat to even bother, especially when she's out of the "cute phase." Time flies by, and it's only a matter of time before she's able to understand what kind of person he really is, especially when it's "no, you can't go to so and so's birthday party, you have to have your weekend visit."

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Of course, the whole public defender crap comes into play. Can't expect much done by the state-appointed legal reps. You can bet that I will gladly shell out my own money for a good lawyer when the time comes.
Careful - mine was $50k. Hers was $70k. I got tabbed with both, with costs still rising trying to stop the costs from rising any further. Yes, the legal system is all jacked up and expensive to infinity.

I have two cents worth of advice to share from someone else who shared it with me: be patient and give 'em rope. Eventually, they'll hang themselves.

The guy that told me that finally won custody of his children after 7 years and his Ex's 9 DUI's. It takes a while, but persistence pays was his message I think.

EDIT: oh and SIX MONTHS PREMARITAL COUNSELING. No excuses. You've been warned.

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Of course, the whole public defender crap comes into play. Can't expect much done by the state-appointed legal reps. You can bet that I will gladly shell out my own money for a good lawyer when the time comes.
Careful - mine was $50k. Hers was $70k. I got tabbed with both, with costs still rising trying to stop the costs from rising any further. Yes, the legal system is all jacked up and expensive to infinity.

I have two cents worth of advice to share from someone else who shared it with me: be patient and give 'em rope. Eventually, they'll hang themselves.

The guy that told me that finally won custody of his children after 7 years and his Ex's 9 DUI's. It takes a while, but persistence pays was his message I think.

Appreciate the advice. I'm inclined to agree. He's on parole, has already slipped up, and a single conviction in anything gets him extradited to VA where he awaits further charges. Even if that doesn't happen, he will certainly fall into the wrong crowd and get hit with something else. Karma's a bitch, and he can't dodge it forever.

I definitely recommend the premarital counseling. Me and Mrs. Chucktown did some that was required by the church, I wish we had done more.

Careful - mine was $50k. Hers was $70k. I got tabbed with both, with costs still rising trying to stop the costs from rising any further. Yes, the legal system is all jacked up and expensive to infinity.
I have two cents worth of advice to share from someone else who shared it with me: be patient and give 'em rope. Eventually, they'll hang themselves.
Damn dude, are you trying to get sole custody or something? I had no idea it was that expensive.

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Of course, the whole public defender crap comes into play. Can't expect much done by the state-appointed legal reps. You can bet that I will gladly shell out my own money for a good lawyer when the time comes.
Careful - mine was $50k. Hers was $70k. I got tabbed with both, with costs still rising trying to stop the costs from rising any further. Yes, the legal system is all jacked up and expensive to infinity.

I have two cents worth of advice to share from someone else who shared it with me: be patient and give 'em rope. Eventually, they'll hang themselves.

The guy that told me that finally won custody of his children after 7 years and his Ex's 9 DUI's. It takes a while, but persistence pays was his message I think.

Appreciate the advice. I'm inclined to agree. He's on parole, has already slipped up, and a single conviction in anything gets him extradited to VA where he awaits further charges. Even if that doesn't happen, he will certainly fall into the wrong crowd and get hit with something else. Karma's a bitch, and he can't dodge it forever.
send a case of Jack Daniels to his place anonomysly just to speed the process.

24 degrees again this morning! Okay, the novelty has worn off. I'm ready for this $hit to be over.
Oh puhleaze!!! It was -10F here with the windchill with plenty of the white stuff.

I managed to barely miss the apartment complex sign sliding through the complex exit this morning!

I definitely recommend the premarital counseling. Me and Mrs. Chucktown did some that was required by the church, I wish we had done more.
I am not sure there is any amount of 'pre-marital' counseling that really ever helps, IMHO. Marriage is a legally binding contract - if you don't respect the law that surrounds it, you aren't going to respect the covenants that surround it either.

Just the opinion of a guy who divorced and remarried because he didn't allow one person's sour attitude reflect negatively on how GOOD a marriage can be with a GOOD person.

Damn dude, are you trying to get sole custody or something? I had no idea it was that expensive.
When you start at base level and add details, the price increases GEOMETRICALLY - not linearly due to the nature and number of communications involved.

And, Chucktown, take this FWIW - the attorneys know your worth. Do not make any mistakes - they are out to make a $ while representing your interestes but you will find the advice will change as your financial reserves take a dive. Seriously. Ask anyone who has gone thru a divorce, they will tell you that it seems that the billables roughly match your level of assets.


Man, just got some bad news here at the office about a job prospect. Not sure what the future's going to hold if we don't get some more work soon...

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