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I think my wife regifts something every year. I could never do that because I don't remember who got me what, so inevitably I would give it back to the person who gave it to me.

That's ok, they may not remember they gave it to you in the first place.

So far we have a farting stuffed hippo and granny panties. Any other suggestions? Anyone.
*crickets chirping*

OK...that's funny right there!

I'm amazed how soon we turned this post into an ALL SEXUAL thread! it's a talent this group shares for sure!

A Kindle? A new smaller Digital camera? a mountain bike? A bakers rack for the house? New crystal wine glasses? a new watch?

I find that if I throw money at these things It works out alright.....then maybe you can get the pearl necklace privalege back!!! lol

I may end up getting her a bike. I already have a bike with a seat on the back for little Miss Chucktown and we're getting little Master Chucktown a bike for his 4th birthday. If I get her a bike we can take family bike rides together.

Thanks for the asexual help NCCarguy.

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I got mine a stuffed Hippo puppet for her 30th. Granted it was the same hippo from NCIS (Abbey's "farting" hippo, Bert), which is her favorite show.
Hey ... where can I get one of those?! Mrs. JR is REALLY wanting one .. I am thinking Valentine's Day gift! :true:
i don't know if they still have them, but build a bear had a hippo and a fart noise box you could buy to put in it. My mom got My sister who is also an ncis fan one last year.

It seems that my distaste of military law/CSI-type shows has forced me to miss out on some sort of farting hippopotamus action.

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