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Damn dude, are you trying to get sole custody or something? I had no idea it was that expensive.
When you start at base level and add details, the price increases GEOMETRICALLY - not linearly due to the nature and number of communications involved.

And, Chucktown, take this FWIW - the attorneys know your worth. Do not make any mistakes - they are out to make a $ while representing your interestes but you will find the advice will change as your financial reserves take a dive. Seriously. Ask anyone who has gone thru a divorce, they will tell you that it seems that the billables roughly match your level of assets.

Just to clarify, I am in no way thinking about divorce.

I have figured out how to diminish the time that a very talkative coworker spends in my office. I don't talk back. Not a word. Just a smile or nod, but no speaking.

Our company meeting was the same song and dance. It's going to be a difficult year, but it should go smoothly.

I feel kinda like Peter Gibbons. I got a raise and they are forcing the old dude that sits next to me to retire.

I wish they'd offer up some retirement stuff here because I think some people would take it. They are just laying people off

Our company meeting was the same song and dance. It's going to be a difficult year, but it should go smoothly.
That's what I hate about any meetings about the state of the office. Everything is always positive and you can't get a good feel for how things really are. Fortunately my boss is very vocal and typically tells us stuff he probably isn't supposed to.

Edit: BOP!

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I feel kinda like Peter Gibbons. I got a raise and they are forcing the old dude that sits next to me to retire.
No kidding, I got a small raise for my hard work and putting the company first on a few occasions (plus the anticipated sh!t storm of work I will have to take on over the next year or so)... it was an eerie feeling at the office Holiday party where all you could think is who was getting the axe after management sat down and ate dinner with you and your spouse.

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