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That has got be some nasty tasting coffee.
Happy birthday to my daughter, Ms. Chucktown. She's 2 years old today.
Ya don't use the fish-fryin' pot, silly. You use a regular pan. Haven't you ever roughed it? :p

Happy Birthday to Little Miss! Our youngest turns 20 on the 16th.

I hope not as well, but it sure would be satisfying to catch them. There is nothing in this world I hate more than a thief.

Morning - happy birthday to little Ms. Chucktown.

I attended my son's Christmas show this morning. It was canceled on Dec. 23 due to rain, so they did it today instead. In the rain, and with 30 mph winds this time.

I have a feeling that it's going to be the Colts versus either the Saints or the Vikings in the Super Bowl. I hope the Colts don't make it, but I think they will. I also hope the Vikings make it and win it. I tried to hate Brett Favre for his retirement fiasco, but dammit, I just like the guy. I think it would be awesome for him to win a Super Bowl after his 40th birthday.

I like Kurt Warner but I despise the Cardinal's owner. I think that's the goofiest playoff game I've seen since "The Comeback" (Bills/Oilers) in the early '90s.

Well, at least he stood up there in the line with the other kids. He didn't sing along or do the hand motions. But then again, a good 1/5 of his class was doing the same (Kindergarten), so it wasn't too big of a deal. He did the singing and dancing with eveyrone on the last show (Halloween?), so I know he can do it.

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