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I messed up the sensitivity on the cameras. While I was out to dinner, I got about 50 emails of my empty basement, and lots of darkness after the sun went down.


Awe... missed the mark.
Not too hard when you are only hanging 1 1/2" .....

Just sayin' ....


I hate that "lucky to have a job" line almost as much as "it is what it is".
I am reaching the point of really disliking the attitude behind the statements!

I was .... 22 yrs old. :)

meh, I think it's just "Global Heat Re-arranging" Some places are heating up, and to balance the equation, others are cooling...
Rather than calling it 'heat re-arranging' - it is more like energy re-arranging where the measured temperature is secondary to the energy transformations or so my theory of it plays out ...


It looks like Dallas has this one pretty well in the bag. I'll probably be asleep by the time the 4th quarter starts.

WAKE UP! oh hell, that woke me up. [would be] First post-season win since what'd they say...'96?

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The priest at our church is a BIG Dallas fan. He should be in a good mood tomorrow.

Only thing I hate more than watching Wade Phillips win is watching Jerry Jones win.

I have no issues with the cowboys, I just hate those two...

Sunday post. Belgian waffles & thick cut bacon for breakfast - yummo!

Still cold here at +1F. I guess it's better than the -2 they were calling for.

oh, i left out the best part...real maple syrup! My wife & daughter have to have bananas w/ their waffles too. If i'm making pancakes, i just throw the slices in the batter - much better that way cuz then their cooked & not cold.

hope you get [got?] your power back quick!

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I has to eat my oatmeal. Cholesterol and all that.

But yeah, the power is back on, otherwise I couldn't be posting. ;) I don't know what happened, I woke up about 6:30 when a neighbor cranked their generator up. I was so sleepy that I though my son had cranked his car up, and I wondered where in the sam hill he was going at that hour. :p It came back on before 8. But I had already talked Hubby into setting up the fish cooker so that we could make coffee!!

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