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Nice pics...looks like something from one of those inspirational posters..."You are a unique snowflake, just like everyone else"

Works not going too bad...nice and quiet here...doing some grading calcs putting a plan set together...really making up for this week of pulling my hair out waiting for the PE results...patience is definitely a virtue I dont possess...but now that thats over I can finally focus.

<---------- at work too, looking for a topo which I'm beginning to think is nonexistent.

^ Frazil ice!
There was some more, but I won't bore everyone with all that.

Fraz I still love that dog, rockin' that wig. It makes me smile. :)

Ya nothing frozen here...actually warmer than it has been in the last few weeks..a whopping 40 but thats way better than 30 and windy

Yes my brother (in Richmond) was remarking a day or so ago that it was warmer there than here. Weird!

Im in VA Beach...so its even warmer (and I use that loosely) than Richmond...ocean current keeps away the snow here

Ah, my folks used to love to go to VA beach when they were courting. He was stationed at Norfolk, IIRC.

Here's some more frazil ice. This photo would probably improve with some cropping.


Should start a thread for weather pics...anyways...Im done for the day...heading home...see ya Monday morning

I now have 2 motion sensing cameras set up where the morons kept breaking in. They automatically send me a picture and 10 seconds of video by email whenever they sense motion. I can also monitor the cameras remotely from a website. I should get a nice picture of these retards if they try again.

They automatically send me a picture and 10 seconds of video by email whenever they sense motion. I can also monitor the cameras remotely from a website. I should get a nice picture of these retards if they try again.
I can't wait!! :popcorn:

EM: Yeah, I put my Christmas avatar away too soon huh?

I should update my avatar now that Orthodox Christmas is done too. Time to go picture hunting again.

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