2019 Novel Coronavirus

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I haven't heard that yet, technically today several "things" are open statewide (with restrictions) but the Denver metro areas added a week to the Gov's plan - So I could drive 10 min to the next County to the north and get a haircut and do some "controlled" retail shopping, but I cant in my hometown - Where as I think California is going to stay locked down until ICE is abolished (j/k - dont stone me)  But I hope we dont pair with California for anything -

I think most office type jobs can resume with a 50-50 capacity (home / office) May 8th.  I think most business will keep people at home and have a trickle in plan.

but this was a question the wife asked me and makes sense:

When they pull the breathing tube out of a patient they force the patient to cough - they force covid patients to coughon you, she says she can feel them coughing on her - she is wearing an N95 masks and a face shield but it seems to me that if she can spend 12 hours  day basically locked in a room full of covid patients and not get sick (yet, knock on wood) then maybe we can all manage wearing lower grade N95 masks through the summer?  Like someone print the "easy" button and start making some F'n masks???

Ohio governor Mike “Chicken Little” DeWine came out yesterday and said May is going to be the start of returning to normal and people promptly went apeshit. 1) Restrictions on businesses will start easing up, but oddly enough, only the big businesses, i.e. Walmart, Kroger, etc. so small businesses are getting screwed again. 2) He decreed that anyone out in public has to be wearing a mask.

As a bearded fellow, I'm going to go with PFB like the Maryland popo: https://www.wlox.com/2020/04/28/bearded-md-police-officers-paid-leave-due-cdc-guidelines/

These Blue state Governors are ******* the small business folks hard and I dont think they are giving them a reach around either..

I guess the big box stores own all the politicians - Ive been trying to avoid them - I dont care to wait in line to spend money.  The ranching stores have a decent hardware section and Ive been able to get most of stuff I need from them -  but just the idea that you corral everyone in these large stores when you could have specialty stores open to "flatten the curve" in the wal marts would be a better situation & you can control the people in and out much easier..

These Blue state Governors are ******* the small business folks hard and I dont think they are giving them a reach around either..
Werd.  We got two more weeks in the klink, but restaurants with outdoor sitting can open up at 25% capacity.  Yee-*******-haw!

Yeah, we can keep Wally World, the Big Orange Box, the Big Blue Box, Target, and other large group centers open with no limitations, but **** you, Mr. Want-to-go-to-dinner-and-grab-a-beer-or-three-with-the-family.  You'll stay home and you'll like it.

Oh, so I'm on the review panel for senior design projects again, and doing it on Zoom is super weird.  No cookie trays, breakfast platters, or anything.  

I went into the office to clear out my **** after I got canned yesterday for being "redundant".  There is a real bloodbath at our office with essentially everyone taking a pay cut, being cut to 3 or 4 day workweeks, furloughed, or canned. I am honestly relieved because with me being there so long, I am grandfathered into an old severance package.

  • 2 weeks for every year of service (I have been there for 17 years)  - 34 weeks total
  • Accrued but unused vacation - 7.5 weeks
  • I only pay my current company rate for Medical, Dental, and Vision for 9 months
  • On payroll until June 4th.
  • Also, TN is "severance is payment for past services" instead of payment is for future services state (Means with the former  you are eligible for UI after your last work day and the latter is you are only eligible after your benefit period is over).
So they will be cutting me a nice check and I don't have to put up with their BS.  I have had three different bosses in the past 18 Months (Construction Guy, Real Estate Developer Guy, and Commercial Risk Management Guy that laid me off).  He never really understood what I did so this morning I forwarded him about 60 emails of issues I was dealing with instructions to the individual that I was leaving and to contact my boss to get them resolved.  He got overwhelmed and asked that I forward to someone else.   I told him I hadn't slept and was on my 10th cup of coffee due to stress so I might forget and he should just forward it to them.  I was asked for spreadsheet for a budget and I sent them about 20 folders with 30 documents each with the message that it is in there somewhere and they will need everything at some point.  They had a TEAMS meeting after that with my boss telling others he had no idea I had that much on my plate (Go figure, he never took the time to understand what I was did).  Anyway, I think they will leave me alone until June 4th and just call me or email with questions. 

Meanwhile, the job search is on and I have already talked to two recruiters and had one interview with position with one of our consultants that looks extremely promising.  Pay is comparable and they told me they had me in mind when they started recruiting for this position.  Although I have only had my PE License for four years, I find it is definitely opening doors I would not have had if I had not received it.   No matter how old you are, it is never too late to get it and it will pay off for you at sometime. 

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I went into the office to clear out my **** after I got canned yesterday for being "redundant".  There is a real bloodbath at our office with essentially everyone taking a pay cut, being cut to 3 or 4 day workweeks, furloughed, or canned. I am honestly relieved because with me being there so long, I am grandfathered into an old severance package.

  • 2 weeks for every year of service (I have been there for 17 years)  - 34 weeks total
  • Accrued but unused vacation - 7.5 weeks
  • I only pay my current company rate for Medical, Dental, and Vision for 9 months
  • On payroll until June 4th.
  • Also, TN is "severance is payment for past services" instead of payment is for future services state (Means with the former  you are eligible for UI after your last work day and the latter is you are only eligible after your benefit period is over).
So they will be cutting me a nice check and I don't have to put up with their BS.  I have had three different bosses in the past 18 Months (Construction Guy, Real Estate Developer Guy, and Commercial Risk Management Guy that laid me off).  He never really understood what I did so this morning I forwarded him about 60 emails of issues I was dealing with instructions to the individual that I was leaving and to contact my boss to get them resolved.  He got overwhelmed and asked that I forward to someone else.   I told him I hadn't slept and was on my 10th cup of coffee due to stress so I might forget and he should just forward it to them.  I was asked for spreadsheet for a budget and I sent them about 20 folders with 30 documents each with the message that it is in there somewhere and they will need everything at some point.  They had a TEAMS meeting after that with my boss saying telling others he had no idea I had that much on my plate (Go figure, he never took the time to understand what I was did).  Anyway, I think they will leave me alone until June 4th and just call me or email with questions. 

Meanwhile, the job search is on and I have already talked to two recruiters and had one interview with position with one of our consultants that looks extremely promising.  Pay is comparable and they told me they had me in mind when they started recruiting for this position.  Although I have only had my PE License for four years, I find it is definitely opening doors I would not have had if I had not received it.   No matter how old you are, it is never too late to get it and it will pay off for you at sometime. 
sucky situation, but you are handling it quite well.  I wanted to use the heart and the sad face, but can only picj one.  and you managed to plug the get your PE!!!  You are awesome and will get through this, probably better than before.

Someone help me understand why do the Feds have to do small business loans when it was the States Governors who shut them down?

Why dont the state and locals bare some skin in the game for covering these loans?  They are the ones who directly told people to close down (in most states)...

& not looking for a political argument but from my vantage point I dont see much compassion to get these folks back up and running (which would end the need for a good portion of the loans) 

I went into the office to clear out my **** after I got canned yesterday for being "redundant".  There is a real bloodbath at our office with essentially everyone taking a pay cut, being cut to 3 or 4 day workweeks, furloughed, or canned. I am honestly relieved because with me being there so long, I am grandfathered into an old severance package.

  • 2 weeks for every year of service (I have been there for 17 years)  - 34 weeks total
  • Accrued but unused vacation - 7.5 weeks
  • I only pay my current company rate for Medical, Dental, and Vision for 9 months
  • On payroll until June 4th.
  • Also, TN is "severance is payment for past services" instead of payment is for future services state (Means with the former  you are eligible for UI after your last work day and the latter is you are only eligible after your benefit period is over).
So they will be cutting me a nice check and I don't have to put up with their BS.  I have had three different bosses in the past 18 Months (Construction Guy, Real Estate Developer Guy, and Commercial Risk Management Guy that laid me off).  He never really understood what I did so this morning I forwarded him about 60 emails of issues I was dealing with instructions to the individual that I was leaving and to contact my boss to get them resolved.  He got overwhelmed and asked that I forward to someone else.   I told him I hadn't slept and was on my 10th cup of coffee due to stress so I might forget and he should just forward it to them.  I was asked for spreadsheet for a budget and I sent them about 20 folders with 30 documents each with the message that it is in there somewhere and they will need everything at some point.  They had a TEAMS meeting after that with my boss saying telling others he had no idea I had that much on my plate (Go figure, he never took the time to understand what I was did).  Anyway, I think they will leave me alone until June 4th and just call me or email with questions. 

Meanwhile, the job search is on and I have already talked to two recruiters and had one interview with position with one of our consultants that looks extremely promising.  Pay is comparable and they told me they had me in mind when they started recruiting for this position.  Although I have only had my PE License for four years, I find it is definitely opening doors I would not have had if I had not received it.   No matter how old you are, it is never too late to get it and it will pay off for you at sometime. 
Sorry to hear you got let go. I'm glad that you have a good severance package, and already have some prospects.

Thanks all.  I am getting hits on my resume and notifications from the job search engines to start conversations.  When I cleared my stuff out of the office I did get another stapler for my collection (a piece of crap plastic one though).
