Yeah I mean.....if they paid even a little attention, then they would know that there is low risk of fomite transmission. We've known this for........months now.It's not an emergency, until it is!!!
I'm hearing that there is a supply chain issue with gloves now. So don't expect to find any, any time soon. And I honestly don't know why people would be using them so much, outside of health care. I don't see any real protective advantage to wearing them to ward off COVID-19. You don't catch it through your skin, and you will catch it just as easily from touching your face with a contaminated glove as you will an ungloved hand. So just wash your damn hands, people, and leave the gloves for the health care workers and DIY-ers.
But isn't that was predicted/expected? A triple wave, with the middle wave more intense due to it also being flu season? That's one of the things I was told when the facility first started going into lock-down/what a bunch of the nurses were saying.Yeah I didn't know that was happening, either, until I saw a headline today. Looks like they're on their way to a second wave that looks to be bigger than the first....
Did you find that at
As long as it is poking fun at gender reveals it is ok.
I think we'll see a small spike in the numbers. People who would not normally go for COVID testing due and otherwise be mild/asymptomatic will get tested when they have the regular flu and increase the number of positives.I'd be interested in seeing how the flu season impacts the COVID pandemic. I saw headlines for a couple of articles over the past couple of weeks that indicated some southern hemisphere countries essentially had no flu season this "winter", probably because of social distancing/lockdowns. But where I am, we have already begun to see lab-confirmed cases of influenza showing up at the hospitals.