2019 Novel Coronavirus

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It's not an emergency, until it is!!!

I'm hearing that there is a supply chain issue with gloves now. So don't expect to find any, any time soon. And I honestly don't know why people would be using them so much, outside of health care. I don't see any real protective advantage to wearing them to ward off COVID-19. You don't catch it through your skin, and you will catch it just as easily from touching your face with a contaminated glove as you will an ungloved hand. So just wash your damn hands, people, and leave the gloves for the health care workers and DIY-ers.
Yeah I mean.....if they paid even a little attention, then they would know that there is low risk of fomite transmission. We've known this for........months now.  😒

you still see quite a few of the older folks wearing them around here - the purple ones too

When I see wait staff wearing gloves it sort of makes it obvvious they are not washing hands and just transmitting stuff from table to table - I suppose that protects them as long as they can refrain from touching themselves, which we all know is pretty much impossible...

I indulged in a "Slurpee" on the car ride home yesterday, there was an old guy in there who grabbed a napkin and then was trying to get a coke and an ice cream out of the freezer without touching anything, it was a comical site and I just wanted to say dude if you are really that worried then you really should not be in a 7-Elevan cause these places are dirty **** holes...

I know who I'm going as this Halloween.

The Karens are straight up trick or treating this year, but without masks.

Look at all these Eurpoean Countries trying to be like Merica! :holyness:

Gonna be a weird cycle, right now we cant go there, soon they wont be able to come here, see saw see saw..

But what made me look at these is my niece is a Delta Flight Attendant who has been flying overseas since air traffic here is still pretty dissmal  but she said most European countries they arent even requiring masks on the plane?  Not sure if it was just the booze talking but anyone been overseas lately by chance?

Stole these from the google but left row, Spain, The French, UK, Right side,  USA , Germany, meant to grab Canada's it looks a little on the uptick too

  1. worlds.jpg
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Yeah I didn't know that was happening, either, until I saw a headline today. Looks like they're on their way to a second wave that looks to be bigger than the first....

Yeah I didn't know that was happening, either, until I saw a headline today. Looks like they're on their way to a second wave that looks to be bigger than the first....
But isn't that was predicted/expected?  A triple wave, with the middle wave more intense due to it also being flu season?  That's one of the things I was told when the facility first started going into lock-down/what a bunch of the nurses were saying.

I'd be interested in seeing how the flu season impacts the COVID pandemic. I saw headlines for a couple of articles over the past couple of weeks that indicated some southern hemisphere countries essentially had no flu season this "winter", probably because of social distancing/lockdowns. But where I am, we have already begun to see lab-confirmed cases of influenza showing up at the hospitals. 

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I'd be interested in seeing how the flu season impacts the COVID pandemic. I saw headlines for a couple of articles over the past couple of weeks that indicated some southern hemisphere countries essentially had no flu season this "winter", probably because of social distancing/lockdowns. But where I am, we have already begun to see lab-confirmed cases of influenza showing up at the hospitals. 
I think we'll see a small spike in the numbers.  People who would not normally go for COVID testing due and otherwise be mild/asymptomatic will get tested when they have the regular flu and increase the number of positives.
