So you didn't get your "cut and pasted from a friend" post from Facebook? LOL.He didn't say that COVID was gone, he said that the death rate had dropped to what the flu usually is every year. I tried to look it up, but couldn't find anything right off hand and I've got better things to do besides obsess over COVID numbers all day. Besides that, any number you might come up with is going to be tainted since they've been fudging numbers since day 1.
There are plenty of other side affects but they're so busy trying to get this out there that nobody bothered to talk about them. There are people in the trials who ended up with Bell's Palsy vs 0 in the placebo group. One person in the trial talked about getting the chills/shakes so bad he cracked a tooth.
Finally, other peoples reluctance to getting a vaccine is from actually getting information from someplace besides Facebook and have doubts about a vaccine that was developed in a few months rather than years like they usually do.
I said before, you go right ahead and cut to the front of the line, but I'm not injecting anything until they've had time to really sort out what this "cure" is really doing to people.
12. Unfortunately, you cannot completely trust what you hear from the media. They have consistently got it wrong for the past year.
Here's my bottom line: I would much rather get a COVID infection than get a COVID vaccine. That would be safer and more effective. I have had a number of COVID positive flu cases this year. Some were old and had health concerns. Every single one has done really well with natural therapies including ozone therapy and IV vitamin C. Just because modern medicine has no effective treatment for viral infections, doesn’t mean that there isn’t one.
It should be. That's why it's so important to push back against vaccine misinformation now. We need to get enough people vaccinated that the virus stops circulating, so we can protect those who can't get the vaccination, for whatever reason. That's what true "herd immunity" means. We all have to do our part.I just hope this is the beginning of the end.
I didn't read that like that. He said he didn't trust Trump or a politicized development program. But he trusts scientists.Grandpa Joe didn’t trust the streamlined process a few months ago... but us Americans are a fickle bunch....
There were also scientists in medieval times who thought the sun revolved around the earth, Galileo (might have been Da Vinci) was mocked for saying the earth went around sun, but he proved it was true.He was responding to the (truthful) claim that a vaccine would be available by end of year.
You have to push the scientist - I think it was Alan Shepard that said if you had let the scientists make all the decisions NASA would have never gotten the first rocket off the ground.
I think the vaccine was the only real play available and that “norms” were pushed was a good thing- lots and lots of people were involved (just not Joe)-
I am glad it got pushed too. Whatever it takes to not have wear a mask anymore.I deal with very conservative geotech and structural engineers all the time and have to push them a litlte out of their comfort zone to try and find the limits of what can really be done -
I dont see it much different than dealing with a "scientist" in this situation. Surely there has to be a way we can speed this up given the circumstances? Glad someone pushed is all.