2019 Novel Coronavirus

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I'd heard it makes your ears bigger, so I've been trying something new.


The early data looks promising.  they still need about 70 positive cases before they can move to the next step.  
I think they were super close, like 64 or something like that.  They actually weren't part of Operation Warp Speed, so...for some reason that makes me trust their results more?  Is that bad?

I've read the money they're receiving from the government is $1.95 billion, not from warp speed, and it's only after they begin production/distribution.  Pfizer used its own $2 billion for the research and have actually distanced themselves from Warp Speed as part of their clinical trials?


please refrain from posting washington post links here... lol

The government and warp speed are still "the government" - Any vaccine that comes out in the next few months will have been created by the private sector and ultimately funded by the government. If Pfizer did finance their own research they are bankrolling it with the $2B payout from the feds.

So if Johnson and Johnson (or whomever the others ones are) create a vaccine that goes through FDA youre not going to consider it susepct?   I think you have tons of good people working on the vaccine, but all are the umbrella of getting a pay day from the taxpayer ( & rightfully so) 

Is a non-us source slightly better?  I'm too lazy to copy+paste/find a website that would be 'acceptable' for your review.


If Pfizer did finance their own research they are bankrolling it with the $2B payout from the feds.
Pfizer is bankrolling their own research.  They are only accepting government funds after they've completed clinical trials and are in production, versus other companies who took government funds beforehand whether or not they generate a viable vaccine.  In my head that just makes me feel like they're making sure things are actually working before rolling it out.  So, yes, they're technically a part of Warp Speed, but they're not receiving any funding for development like other companies.

I never said anything about not accepting a vaccine that goes though FDA, but I think the speed that some of these vaccines are being pushed through is a little concerning.  Especially since there are clauses that allow vaccines to go through FDA review quicker if it's an 'emergency' case.

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^ - That would be hillarious!

I just typically assume that the bulk of the people who are actually doing the work associated with the vaccine are doing so under their own scientific / medical process / FDA SOP / etc and whomever is involved politically is not really involved. 

I watched the CBS special on warp speed last night and I thought it was pretty cool, especially the 4 star general guy. But the main fuel behind it is cash.

Other great news today was the FDA releasing the EUA for Ely Lilly's monoclonal antibody therapeutic (similar to what Trump was given). This will start rolling out to the states in large quantities very soon. Basically a 1 hour infusion, 1 hour of observation, and then you go home. Clinical trials showed that patients receiving the treatment had 2/3 fewer trips to the ER and hospitalizations.  That's huge. We're setting up where I am to start administering this stuff to eligible patients,  which is pretty much every symptomatic person with virtually any comorbidity or other vulnerability. 

Is a non-us source slightly better?  I'm too lazy to copy+paste/find a website that would be 'acceptable' for your review.


Pfizer is bankrolling their own research.  They are only accepting government funds after they've completed clinical trials and are in production, versus other companies who took government funds beforehand whether or not they generate a viable vaccine.  In my head that just makes me feel like they're making sure things are actually working before rolling it out.  So, yes, they're technically a part of Warp Speed, but they're not receiving any funding for development like other companies.

I never said anything about not accepting a vaccine that goes though FDA, but I think the speed that some of these vaccines are being pushed through is a little concerning.  Especially since there are clauses that allow vaccines to go through FDA review quicker if it's an 'emergency' case.
Someone put it more succinctly: 


I am just glad we have a strong private sector that is working on it. 

Ill accept a vaccine from anyone that makes it through FDA..
