2019 Novel Coronavirus

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John Elway has tested positive for the Rona - but it looks like he will be well enough to screw up the Broncos draft this spring.

So.  Election is over.

This means covid is cured/done, right? 

Well, near as I can tell, Biden's plan to end COVID is to double testing sites and throw money at people.

  1. I'm not exactly sure how doubling the number of testing sites does anything to help. Last I heard there isn't teh huge lines of people at testing sites anymore.

  2. He claims he's not going to raise taxes on the middle class (which has already been shown to be a lie) so I'd be interested to see where all this magical free money is supposed to come from.

Even if Biden is elected, the Senate is going to remain Republican, so any potential tax reform goes out the window regardless.

  2. He claims he's not going to raise taxes on the middle class (which has already been shown to be a lie) so I'd be interested to see where all this magical free money is supposed to come from.
Social security.  We don't need that for the future.  Might as well use it now for instant gratification.

Social security.  We don't need that for the future.  Might as well use it now for instant gratification.
I am in my mid 30's. I just ran some quick calcs and realized I have probably paid $80 to $85k into SS since I started working a real job at 15 years old. I would walk away from it if given the option to never have to pay into it again and never get anything from it. Am I the only one? 

I am in my mid 30's. I just ran some quick calcs and realized I have probably paid $80 to $85k into SS since I started working a real job at 15 years old. I would walk away from it if given the option to never have to pay into it again and never get anything from it. Am I the only one? 
My thought process: Social Security is required to maintain the basic well-being and protection (through benefits) for older Americans, people who become disabled, or a family where an income supplying spouse or parent dies.  I hope to god that I never have to rely on it as my main source of income, but I believe it is a function of society to provide for those who are unable to work (but who did work/provide some sort of contribution to society during their lifetime).  Yes. 

Adding up what I have paid into Social Security, and knowing I most likely will not get a return, does make me a little mad but that is because of the way this funding is being managed.  I believe social security is a benefit for a functioning society, especially since pensions and other long-term benefits go away once you stop working.  Yes, some people depend on their 401ks, but you cannot predict the market and with some people struggling to survive in their old years...somehow living longer than expected...I do not begrudge a program the provides a small amount of comfort in a monthly stipend.
