The Pet Thread

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There is some pussy getting grabbed in the video, but the boss said it was OK

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Well, our Bassett mix gave us a scare on Saturday. In the morning I noticed a weird discharge from her neck and when I went to clean it I realized she had a large growth there. We hadn't noticed it before, so it popped up quickly. We took her to our vet and the fortunately squeezed her in between appointments. Turns out she had an abscess and needed to have it drained. We got her all ready for the surgery and left her at the office for the afternoon with the understanding that we would pick her up around 4 or 5. Well, 4:30 rolls around and I still hadn't heard from the vet, so I called and the doctor informed me that the surgery went fine, but my dogs heart was not functioning properly. They gave her medicine to reverse the anesthesia and that didn't help, so they tried some medication that was supposed to help regulate her heart beat. That wasn't working either. My wife and I drove to the vet and spoke with the doctor directly and she seemed really concerned and told us to take our dog to a 24 hour emergency clinic so that they could monitor her overnight and give her medicine via an iv if necessary. We drove her down to it and spent 3 hours waiting around while they had her in the back. When we finally get to talk with the vet there, he told us that her heart was sounding perfect to him and that he thinks she may have had a reaction to the anesthesia and that he didn't think it was necessary for them to keep her overnight. He finally released her around 8 pm and we got her home around 8:45 or so. Poor thing hadn't eaten or drunk anything all day, so she drank a whole bowl of water and ate like a pig. Now we just have to go back this week to get the drains removed from her neck. Picture of our baby girl below (warning, it shows her drains and stitches in her neck so look away if you're like my wife).


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Poor girl, hope she feels better soon!  That's what really worries me about my greys.  They are VERY sensitive to anesthesia, and it's very easy to go wrong, even with reputable vets.  The guy who fostered my first greyhound lost his first one during a routine dental cleaning under anesthesia.  No real obvious cause, just wouldn't come out of it.  I still get teary eyed thinking about it :(

I had to have my cat, Turbo, put to sleep today.  He had been living with diabetes for several years (which is exceptionally difficult to control in cats).  What ultimately did him in was a urinary tract infection that threw his blood sugar off and he couldn't keep any food down.  Poor little guy.  He was a fighter.

it sucks whenever it's time to put a pet down.  Sorry to hear it wil.

Sorry to hear that.  While we are on cats, we had a interesting experience involving our cat and the Roomba.  He's an outside cat, but we keep a litter box in the garage for when he gets locked in here.  So Mrs. Goodal saw a mouse in the laundry room the other night and thought it would be a great idea to lock the cat in to catch said mouse.  She put him and the litter box in the room and shut the door.  Well, Mercat (or kitty or whatever I feel like saying) couldn't hit the litter box with all his poo and left a small deposit on the tile.  I forgot to mention the Roomba is docked in the laundry room.  We got up put the cat out, went to town/work, but didn't do anything with the poo thinking that pleasant chore could wait until later.  The Roomba is scheduled to come on at 9am.  He did and promptly found the deposit.  Poo smearing ensued.  Just by chance my middle son threw some clothes in front of the door which kept the Roomba in the laundry room.  It was bad enough in one room, but if that hadn't happened there would have been poo crop circles over the entire first floor.  It was bad, but could have been much worse.

I had to have my cat, Turbo, put to sleep today.  He had been living with diabetes for several years (which is exceptionally difficult to control in cats).  What ultimately did him in was a urinary tract infection that threw his blood sugar off and he couldn't keep any food down.  Poor little guy.  He was a fighter.
Sorry to hear this wil.


How old was Turbo?  Our cat turns 14 this month, I'm thinking that's getting up there.  When she doesn't show up according to her usual routine, I get worried now and go looking for her to make sure she's still OK.  


How old was Turbo?  Our cat turns 14 this month, I'm thinking that's getting up there.  When she doesn't show up according to her usual routine, I get worried now and go looking for her to make sure she's still OK.  
He was 15.  Born sometime in late 2001.  My roommate and I "adopted" him off the street when he walked up on the front porch at a house party we were attending during our senior year in college.

I lost my kitty (who was 5) two days after Christmas. It was unexpected and a total a shock; happened via heart attack, we believe. I miss him so much still! I check the SPCA on a weekly basis, looking for a kitty, even though I am not getting one for at least another month or two. But gosh, having a cat's presence is so nice.

Our cat found us.  My daughter wanted one, so I had that in the back of my head, and one day we were out running near the airport where we used to live, and this little kitten was following other joggers and meowing.  She was very forward, so when she came after us, I picked her up and took her home.  That was a good personality test, because ever since then she has been very social (with us - hates people from outside our family, though, especially kids).  I am also thinking that being a jungle cat made her especially resilient - probably the only survivor of her litter.  In 14 years, we have not had any health problems (knock on wood).
