I can't figure out ice fishing. Unless you are on an Alaskafrontier show and you need food until badger season starts
You don't go Ice fishing because you like ice or fish...
You go for the bottle bass.
I can't figure out ice fishing. Unless you are on an Alaskafrontier show and you need food until badger season starts
try it in one of these:I don't like fishing when its warm. I imagine I would hate it even more if I were freezing.
I don't understand these words.I should maybe her her some battery socks if they work?I tried these but wasn't a fan. Having a D-size battery hanging off my calf wasn't fun to land on when wiping out.I love my battery socks. They warm up just enough. It's what makes ice fishing non-miserable.
Hot hands makes a full foot warmer that has adhesive. I've had good luck with those.