Ski Season 2014/2015

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well technically illegal since all the ski resorts are on federal lands.. but I am sure it goes on..

we found a house that sleeps 32 adults and is only $5K/ week? anyone up for that one winter? price wouldn't be too bad if we had 10+ people...

Does it have a hot tub (time machine or other)?

I wouldn't have to actually ski, right?

Some friends of ours that come out here a lot , what they did was do 2 days of ski school at that ski resort in Granby and then 2 days at WP. Said it was fairly cheap and they are frugal people..

My boys ski’d with cement and his wife for half a day and learned a ton.. he might be a little cheaper ;)

Bought my season pass last week. KF, let me know if you guys make it out here this season. I ski mostly at IL live in Snowmass, so that is the base of operations for babysitting for us, and mini-Buff 1 goes to ski school there, but I'd be willing to take a day at Highlands.

Eg- you don't have to ski but I think you would enjoy it more if u did......

And the place we found did ha. A couple hot tubs!

The Winter Park 4 X 40 give you a discount for 2 days at WP and 2 days at Steamboat (they are both on US 40) but it's not posted yet, nor are the 4 packs

I agree with RG, take the kid to the local hill in the Snowies for two days, a half day lesson then skiing with the parents before you go to the big hill

I've got the Rocky Mountain Super Pass Plus and the EPIC Local this year, so I have some discount days available too.

The best deal out there for out of towners is the unrestricted 4 pack at Loveland, you get 4 tickets that you just attach to your jacket so you can got with 3 friends the same day. Of course you can get a free surface pass at loveland and hike to the top too ;^)

I buy new ski poles when I break the old ones, and I'm thinking abot throwing the ones I have in front of the light rail....

At Winter Park, Parsenn Bowl is great fun, the "new" blue back gladed terrain to skier's right is even funner.

At Copper, I'll take you into Spaulding Bowl if you're ready RG, you should be ok for Marvin Gardens.


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well technically illegal since all the ski resorts are on federal lands.. but I am sure it goes on..

we found a house that sleeps 32 adults and is only $5K/ week? anyone up for that one winter? price wouldn't be too bad if we had 10+ people...

Does it have a hot tub (time machine or other)?

I wouldn't have to actually ski, right?
That would an EPIC meet-up!!! And EG, LadyFox would be right there with you. She always asks if she can just sit in the lodge and drink hot totties. LOL

KF, you ski below those fracture lines in the Apen Highlands picture?
Haha. No, I don't have any death wishes. But we do enjoy taking the snow cat off course to ski off the backside of the mountain.

CSB- why wait till 2016?

Cement - I am ready this year! sweet on getting both passes, there are a few things I will look forward to being an empty nester on (not buying kids ski passes & spending more money on me)

work is doing a ski day at A Basin this year- free day for all our family - IM looking forward to checking that one out.. they say its a good time..

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we should really plan / budget for this..... (meetup) would be pretty easy to swing, there are lots of huge houses for rent. key we have found is that you just have to secure them early..

^ exactly. And the larger the group, the better the lodging price gets for everyone. Flights out there are generally pretty cheap too (Frontier not included). Wouldn't be too expensive IMO.

CSB- why wait till 2016?

Cement - I am ready this year! sweet on getting both passes, there are a few things I will look forward to being an empty nester on (not buying kids ski passes & spending more money on me)

work is doing a ski day at A Basin this year- free day for all our family - IM looking forward to checking that one out.. they say its a good time..

I thought it was a year from now. Where's your giant house for rent located?

wife fount it but I think its near Frisco / Silverthorne I will get her to send me the link

we have Jan and Feb without a large trip planned (I think) depending on the dates, I will come sip hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps or the like. I am not adverse to winter sports (snow shoeing, snowmobiles, cross country skiing, heck I would even try ice climbing) but anything that gravity is a key factor in propelling me I think I would fail at actually utilizing the force for good and end up with broken bones.

^ that looks nice in Fraser there. that's real close to Winter Park, and there are lots of hiking trails that flatlanders could take snowshoes on.

I would just have the A-Basin pass, but my wife has a conference at Vail that I have to be arm candy for, and if you add two walk up price tickets to an A-Basin pass it equals an EPIC local pass.

That's really sweet that you get a company day at the Basin RG, it's one of my favorite mountains. Lots of neat skiing, but still a kind of old fashion homey feel to it.

You know, you can get a preview of the empty nest, ditch work mid week and run for the ski hill while the kids are in school.

KF, I have yet to try cat skiing besides the free Cat at Copper. I'm one of those boneheads that hike up the singletrack for highlands bowl


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I defin plan to do that this year!!!! And if we get some work in Idaho springs :))))))

Goodall- this was us at spring break last year.....I think this was winter park....

