Taking suggestions
asked minisnick to do something this morning and he was being slow about it so I told him to hop to it. He turned around and said...Mommy I'm not a bunny.
When they are 17, I want them to be 18 so I can give them das boot.
This program has been going for just over 3 weeks now and she has colored a total of 3 squares. Yep, three. She's not being bad, not being disruptive, it's just that it takes her teacher 3 or more attempts to get her to do what she's supposed to do. My daughter will eventually do what she's asked, but she is one of those personalities that slows down the more you pressure her to do something (she's like her mother), and it gets insanely frustrating. If it's something she wants to do, she'll do it right away without being asked. If it's something she HAS to do, she'll eventually get it done, but it's on her time. This does not fly very well with her teacher.
We've known about these tricks from when our oldest was going through it. Difference is that the younger one is saavy enough to see through it. "Clean your room or do the dishes?" Her response: sit on the bed and stare at you.Saw this article and thought of your latest post in here Dex.