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Aww squishles I'm so sorry to hear about all of this. I just got access to the secret room and found out what you've been going through. Good luck on the job search!

boy it must have been a rough day here. I have finally comprehended your dilemma, and untangled the mythical "first sentence" and I agree with bigray. Somebody slap me in me head and pour me some scotch!

*Off to drink my 18% beer...*
Nice !! :plusone:

I am going to wait for this weekend ... I just cleared the first hurdle to get a permit out that is like 3 yrs late. LOL !!

Drunk tank post + avatar to proceed ...

Where is everyone else's drunk avatar??


so I keep getting emails from recruiters for structural jobs. clearly they didnt study with me for the PE. do they not explain to these people the difference between disciplines? i just delete them but come on. i understand my friends not getting it, but i feel that these people should have a little bit better clue.
This is the first paragraph of an email I got from a recruiter, cut and paste no edits on my part:
I saw your resume on line. The opportunities I am now conducting a search for fits your experience & educational background. The job should provide Technical & Salary growth. If interested please send me the following two important items.

Back when I made my phone number available they'd call and ask me things they should know if they had even glanced at my resume.

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note to self- dont go work out and then come home and carb load on beer. that makes for drunk squishles. at least the future mpother in law didnt notice on the phone call. OOPS

Because you want to depart on good terms by not leaving your ex-employer too much in the lurch. On the other side, once you know you're getting fired/laid off, there's huge potential for you to be out for vengeance.

The two weeks is a professional courtesy. You can finish up critical tasks, write a summary of where you're at, and help train someone new. It's a nice thing to do and helps you exit on good terms. You don't want a bad reference from the current place. Or for bad rumors to start about you, it's a small professional community and word spreads. You also never know when you might have to work with these folks again.

At the same time, always go into the notice talk with the boss with a plan in mind in the case they want you to leave immediately. When you accept a new offer, tell them you'll finalize a start date once you give notice to your current employer. "It could be as early as Day X, or as far out as 2 weeks from that day depending on the needs of my current employer." Makes you look like a conscientious pro.

The two weeks is a professional courtesy. You can finish up critical tasks, write a summary of where you're at, and help train someone new. It's a nice thing to do and helps you exit on good terms. You don't want a bad reference from the current place. Or for bad rumors to start about you, it's a small professional community and word spreads. You also never know when you might have to work with these folks again.

At the same time, always go into the notice talk with the boss with a plan in mind in the case they want you to leave immediately. When you accept a new offer, tell them you'll finalize a start date once you give notice to your current employer. "It could be as early as Day X, or as far out as 2 weeks from that day depending on the needs of my current employer." Makes you look like a conscientious pro.

My last employer actually said I only had to finish out the week (I gave notice on Wednesday) as we had just finished the last big project and hadn't really started the next. Keeping me on board for the additonal 1.5 weeks wasn't benefitial for either of us.

As far as "a small world" my boss at that job and I actually have several mutual business friends. Had I left on bad terms, it could have really come back at me since some of those friends are clients...
