our mower has a flat tire. mr snick took the compressor out the shed to fill the tire to keep it from sitting on the rim, but we are going to have some work to do before it is ready for the spring
When's the pool opening up EG?
You have a salt water pool? Those are awesome!
I guess that explains why the hotel I always stay at has a saltwater pool.
4.7 isn't huge. Horrible all the same, but not huge
I was waiting to hear from you on this. Glad to hear that all is ok. On the other hand, I am now left feeling disappointed that regarding your view of 4.7...4.7's nothing. Thanks for asking though.
This about sums up a native Californian's response:I was waiting to hear from you on this. Glad to hear that all is ok. On the other hand, I am now left feeling disappointed that regarding your view of 4.7...4.7's nothing. Thanks for asking though.