~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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so it looks like this massive nor'easter will have a glancing blow to NJ. Forecasters estimate a dusting to an inch for our area. 50's and 60's by weeks end

Turns out I'd forgotten my allergy meds at home, and boy did this weather in LA remind me of what a mistake that was. EVERYTHING itched - eyes, skin, mouth, etc. Zyrtec to the rescue.

My grand parents used to live in Vero Beach, just south of Melbourne, lots of blue hairs, but a nice part of florida, some summers we would even get that "Miami" clear water up to Vero when I would stay there as a kid.. Also far enough away to have alligators sneaking around your backyard..

Snow coming in tonight. Boston will be spared but they're predicting maybe 6-12 in. for Cape Cod. Of course then temps are supposed to be high 40's for the several days following the snow. :rolleyes:

Turns out I'd forgotten my allergy meds at home, and boy did this weather in LA remind me of what a mistake that was. EVERYTHING itched - eyes, skin, mouth, etc. Zyrtec to the rescue.
It's the pollution too. "Come to LA! See the air!" And if you can't see the air, it's because the Santa Ana winds blew it away and replaced it with dust and pollen.
