~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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Good thing is that I am now driving a car with heat.

I'm VERY glad I got the heat in my car attended to.

But, it may be a different story in the office tomorrow...

As many of you know the next 48 hours will bring some extreme cold weather conditions to our area and state. Our buildings are not insulated nor were they designed for these extremely cold conditions and most of them are heated by heat pumps. Many of these units are 10 to 20 years old and these older units generally do NOT perform very well in temperatures below 32 degrees. The electric back up heat in these older units are also undersized and CANNOT keep up with the demand placed on them in extremely cold conditions. With all of that said….. I strongly encourage each of you to wear and dress in warmer clothes, (layers) the next few days as you WILL experience chilly conditions in many of our buildings.
At least the management admits the faults of the buildings and forewarns the employees, not everyone gets that kinda warning.

Fair warning, carry cold weather outdoor gear with you in the car in case you need it. Better to be prepared than be a popsicle.

Happy Snow/Cold Apocalypse, or as someone who lives in AK would call Monday.

-7 with windchill -30...it warmed up there is also supposed 10+ inches of snow on the ground but there are 2-3 ft drifts all over the place and you can see the ground surrounding the trees crazy

the governor closed all state offices today so I didn't have to go to work

I thought VT might appreciate this (received from email forward):


Calling for an icy morning. Guess it'll be one crawl of a commute tomorrow.

So just because I don't want to have any issues I'm being over cautious. I'm letting the heat run a little warmer than usual over night and I'm letting the faucets trickle so to avoid any pipes from freezing.

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