~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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At 8 am, it's already 60 degrees out. Snow melt virtually over. I Love this. Damn the snow and cold.

The ice storm just missed me, the line of freezing rain was about 20 miles north of here. Areas have a half-inch of ice. We (my employer) have 140,000 customers out of power. This is going to be a disaster since so many employees are on vacation for the holiday. Have to feel bad for the people that are out of power, in the cold, and trying to get ready for Christmas--some of them may still be out on Christmas.

I didn't volunteer to be on-call this weekend since I'm headed out of town. Kind of feel bad I'm not helping, but on the other hand I was available for work last Christmas and will be next year.

Another 6" of snow since yesterday. Still falling, about 3/4" since I plowed an hour ago. Could get another 6" by morning. Temps hovering right around 32*.

Sure you aren't in the Northeast? Weather sounds about right.

All the way up to -21 here. You gotta love the Upper Midwest! Let's hear it for the $4 down comforters from the thrift store.
Yeah, I think we switched locations. Yer getting our normal weather!

Mid 50's today. Unreal weather.... I'm sure we will pay for this one day.... In February....

Yeah. It gets cold in February. Not the same cold as VTE is experiencing, but it's still cold. However, once March hits then temps get back into the 60's again...

-6 here right now with -25 windchill. Once the temp. goes below 0, I don't think there's any differentiation any longer. It's just plain friggin' COLD! LOL
