~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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It's $3.70 here. The tax per gallon is sky high here, every bridge and tunnel has a toll, and yet somehow the roads and bridges are still falling apart.
Which is yet another reason I don't live up there. IL sucked bad enough for the 9 months I lived there.

What is premium there, 91 octane? Not really an apples-apples comparison if so, since it's 93 octane here.

-7 degrees at the Buff house this morning. Filled up the company truck (on the company dime) for $3.45/gal for regular this AM.

-45 last night leaving the office (heater in the 2012 went out, so it was a COLD drive home); was -35 at the house through most of the night.

This morning was -32 at the house, -43 in town and starting to warm up some. Heater miraculously fixed itself, will see how long it lasts. Dealer is stumped too.

This wet, rainy, cold weather doesn't inspire one to wake up and be productive. Perhaps with the office so empty today, no one will notice if I fall asleep at my desk.

Starting to get a bit chilly here too in WI. We are at the high today. LOL


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