~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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Wow, sorry to hear about all the trouble. And none of that isn't covered under any "sick" time or personal days? Though being new I suppose those options may not be available to you yet.

We only get 2 sick days on our anniversary date, the rest comes out of vacation time.

Oh yeah...and the last two months have really sucked (other than finding out I passed the PE, of course).

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I don't think this will be the case, but every time I hear 'oh, the storm will just miss us' from the weatherliars,

I flash back to the blizzard of Feb 1973 when they told us the exact same thig.

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Sigh... Going to be 76 today with sunny skies all weekend during the Mardi Gras parades. Next week a cold front should be sweeping through, bringing highs down to the mid-60's. With those temperatures, consuming cold adult beverages while screaming for beads my give me a little chill.


I think this would have been a better photo if I had gotten out there before the cars had gone by... but woooooot! All this cold weather has paid off and we have more snow again!

There was freezing rain and sleet here last Friday and Wednesday the temps are going to be in the 70s with severe thunderstorms. Glad I'm flying down to South America for a couple of weeks. The forecast for the place I'm going for the next 10 days: Partly Cloudy, 0% chance of precip, Temps 81/72. Every day.

-42*F in town this morning; was -43*F when I got back into town last night. Should start to warm up by the end of this week.

Diesel truck started fine and gave plenty of heat out this cold snap (Much better than the last time it was this cold).

50 degrees today and supposed to be above 60F here tomorrow. We're supposed to be back in single digits by the end of the week. Typical Midwest winter: If you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes, it'll change.

The weather app claimed 39 degrees here this morning when I was getting ready to walk the dog so I dressed for that temperature. We walk outside and it's damn near 60. They're saying on the radio that we'll be having snow tomorrow afternoon.

50 degrees today and supposed to be above 60F here tomorrow. We're supposed to be back in single digits by the end of the week. Typical Midwest winter: If you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes, it'll change.
Same thing going on down here too, just offset a bit. It'll be in the 60's today and 70's (!) tomorrow with a chance of severe thunderstorms. Then right back down to winter again. Fun, fun.
