~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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A perfect day for Grand Prix here in the ATX. High 70, low 45, partly cloudy.


^ would be too warm here for this time of year. ;)

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Got snow here on the ground this morning. Been awhile since I can last remember getting snow this late in December.

4" at the house, and still coming down. The skiing should hopefully improve GREATLY with this storm. We are also scheduled to have snow falling on Christmas. That never gets old for this boy from Florida...I love snow on Christmas!

That's tomorrow. Scheduled high of 1,000,000 K with a low of 999,990 K. 100% chance of meteor showers.

It was -18*F at the house and -34*F in town. Any heat waves coming my way in the next 24 hours will really help out with clearing the extra snow!

Heard on the radio that Australia and New Zealand were still around (since it's tomorrow over there); so no luck thus far. Maybe the Mayans must be counting on the date / time of their location at the creation of this "calendar". Guess we'll know more in under 24 hours.

ugh...50 mph winds and snow turned my 55 minute commute home into 2hrs. There was a 10 mile stretch of the interstate that was an obstacle course. 3 lanes converged to 2, even 1 at one point to manuver around the ass end of truck trailers that blocking 1 to 2 lanes of traffic.

Flash flooding eliminated my commute today. There are a series of stormwater ponds here, some of which overflowed their banks. Some of the catch basins are surcharging pretty bad. Not that it will get the DPW off their butts to jet them out anytime soon. There's water all over the roads.

It rained pretty steadily overnight, but I didn't think it was this bad.

Then again, only a handful of engineers at the apex of their craft can model stormwater.

but seriously, a blizzard and xmas around the corner and the price of gas droped to below $3 a gal!!! Need to fill up on my way home today.
