~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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Heavy rains with violent t-storms this afternoon. Woke up to 71, high is 77, and tonight it is supposed to be 35. 42 degree temp drop is a heck of a thunderboomer maker.

VT - I saw a buddy at the dog park here today. he replaced his dog's knee over 5 years ago and the dog is doing great still playing frisbee and everything. I always said i wouldn't spend big money on a dog, and that still remains true when it comes to chemotherapy or the like. but as for knee replacements, it seems a great way to keep our canine pals happy and healthy for a number of years.
Helena has about 2 months to go until she's totally recovered, but is doing great. She is her old self again. Which is insane.

Holy mother of gorgeous day outside, and everybody in Charlotte knows it! Streets are packed, including some veeeeeery lovely ladies.

looks like snow is in the forecast for this weekend...not surprising though since we still have dead leaves on the oak trees out front. Old farmer's tale, that it will not snow anymore for the season when the last leaves drop off.

^^^ good luck with that. I'm hoping it all stays south so I don't have to fire up the snow blower this weekend. ;)

4" of snow in the forecast for this afternoon. :thumbs:

Will probably head to the ski hill after work. :)

How I prepare for when tornados predicted.... make sure my cell phone stays on the charger as much as possible... bring in as much of the patio furniture as possible (I currently have a grill in the middle of my living room because I couldn't get that all the way to the garage) because even if there isn't a tornado, with the winds we are getting I don't want to have to retrieve them from the middle of the woodlot... stick a battery in the weather radio since I always sleep through the sirens... and mentally plan on removing the litter box from my laundry room if need be as it's the only interior room in the house... I'm good to go! Waiting to see how long it will be before the power goes.

^I hope you (and others) made it through the tornadoes.

It is sunny and mild here today. Should get to about 50 today, after a chilly (12 degrees) start to the morning.
