~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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It's 34 degrees, pouring rain with a flood watch and a winter weather watch for up to 8 inches of snow, the wind chill is 23 (wind gusting to 39 mph) and I'm going to be outside raking leaves and cleaning gutters today.
That's why I live down here. I can deal with that. I spent 9 months in Fairview Heights, IL and that was enough cold weather, more than enough, actually, to last me a lifetime.

Well, the electrician called. Unlike me they're smart enough not to work in this weather. So at least I have heat.

And yeah, snow in ATL in November. Crazy!

Clear and 20 degrees this AM here. High is supposed to be in the 40s with bluebird skies. I'm ready to get a good 2 feet of snow, though. I got my gutters done on Sunday, and got my leaves up previously. So bring on the snow!

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It's so windy the street sign just outside my house fell off the post:


Then the UPS truck missed the sign and had to back up the street.

it was raining when we went to bed. woke up to almost 2 inches of heavy wet variety of snow, first of the season....just the type of weather I wanted for the first real drive with my brand new car,

There was no snow on Christmas Day, but enough fell two days later to stick around in these low temperatures in Ontario. Lucky for me I only have till next week before heading back to the "Sunshine State" of Queensland in Australia where temperatures will be balmy and I'll be back to wearing cargo shorts and T-shirts outside again. I am of the opinion that unless you're an avid downhill or cross country skier, snowmobiler or ice fisherman then you don't need to live in a harsh winter climate. Get out of it. You can be more active outdoors in a warmer climate and you won't fall on your ass from an icy sidewalk. :wave2:

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it was so windy the last couple days which made it super cold. It was like 14 degrees this morning...and we are supposed to make it up to almost 60 degrees by the end of the week...these huge temp swings are killing me.

^^^ agree Snick, either it's winter... or it's not... seems like we are on the same fluctuation schedule, Alabama is just about 10 degrees warmer (it was 25 when I left the house this morning and it's supposed to get to about 67 this weekend)

Winter came overnight, and the dry air coupled with my heat running all night has given me the sinus headache from hell.

Is gotten colder over the last couple of days culminating in a wind chill below 0 this morning. Hoever, we're due to go back to about 30 deg over the next couple of days. Outside of the freak snow storm around Halloween (which melted immediately thereafter) we bhaven't had any snow to speak of. Of course the skiers and plow guys are whining. The heck with them, I'm loving it.
