~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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^You get any of those thunderstorms by you overnight, MA?
The rain was pelting the skylight so hard it woke me up. It was fairly close at one point according to the old see the lightning count until you hear the thunder trick.
honestly, if we did I slept through them. There was a lot of rain though. Looks like we might get the clearing this weekend. Woot!

overcast and damn cold (40's to low 50's) here today. They say Tuesday is going to be sunny and pushing 80.

its beent hreatening rain for last 2 hrs. need it to actually start. put down some grass seed and planted some spuds today that need water

Sun wasn't even up and it was already hot and humid as Hell. It's going to be a grundlefunk kind of week.

I woke up at 4:45 am this morning to frequent thunder and lightning, and the heaviest rain I have ever seen. I turned on the TV just to make sure it wasn't a twister. The weatherman said that the storm was moving very fast, so it shouldn't be raining in any one place for more than 30 minutes...but you could get over an inch of rain in that time. Craziness.

High of 96 with high humidity! Joy, joy! Add to that the fact that the AC is out and unlikely to be repaired until September.

Worely's current office weather: 76 dgrees and 76% humidity! YEA for fans!

I was in suburban NY most of the weekend, not at all hot, but humid as could be.

Got home late afternoon yesterday, caught a break in the weather and mowed the lawn.

Ended up being quite nice last night, after getting settled back in after being away all weekend, we hung out on the porch with drinks and snacks and just watched the world go by until it got dark. It was a pair of hangout shorts and long sleeve t-shirt weather, which is just about my favorite.

Glad I mowed, it's raining again today.

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Scattered T-Storms here. The forecast has this weather holding pretty much all week.

It's 90 degrees with a dewpoint of 65 up here.

I wish it were -30!!!
