~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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86 yesterday, haven't been outside yet today, but the windows are open and it sure feels nice!

Played golf on Friday, but then it rained and got cold today. But it's supposed to be back in the 60's tomorrow, so I have another tee time.

shorts and tank tops... heat is off, air is not on.... 85 during the day and about 50ish during the night... getting ready to take the dogs to the groomers to get shaved down... but them allergies are em itch..... i hate pine tree pollen that coats everything in a green haze and makes everyone mean

Should be nice today. Was cool yesterday, but was already 60 at 5:15 this morning.

Pollen is destroying me. You always know when my allergies kick in, because I do this little grunt to clear my throat every 5 seconds. If it's obnoxious to me, I can't imagine how it must be for everyone around me.

YEA!!! Spring is here!
I blame the weather for straining my back. Had the bright idea to do some gardening on Saturday and tried carrying a container full of potting soil from the garage. Great googly moogly I am hurting today.

we had near 80 degree weather yesterday. Spent almost the whole day outside. Took minisnick for a walk around the block in his new wagon and came home with like 3 neighborhood dogs following along behind us. One didn't leave until we went in for day.

it snowed last week and it is supposed to snow again tonight...what the heck...its spring and my all my flowers are probably done for.

it's been raining all week here. They're talking about it lifting this weekend. I hope so.

Just enough rain to soak the lawn, then it's clearing up. I hope it keeps raining at this interval so I'll never have to use my sprinkler system.

you're supposed to just set it and forget it, so it's on when it's raining.

^You get any of those thunderstorms by you overnight, MA?

The rain was pelting the skylight so hard it woke me up. It was fairly close at one point according to the old see the lightning count until you hear the thunder trick.
