~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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Cloudy, but still nice. Was getting hot in a sweatshirt!

72 degrees today, and 76 tomorrow. Quite nice...we've had the house open all weekend.

No, Thanksgiving is typically cool and overcast (gray) or rainy. Just nasty.

Christmas is typically warm and cloudy.

Clear, 6 degrees this morning. Supposed to snow this afternoon. Great weather to start the ski season!

yesterday when I got into work my office was a nice chilly 57 degrees.... I left the heater on last night, to keep the office around 62, that worked well. Now I have the heater blasting in here.... so I can't leave my office for fear of freezing to death.

It was 72 degrees yesterday. It rained last night, and is forecast to rain for the next 3 days. On Friday, the high is supposed to be 35. Good thing I did all my outside work in the last 2 days.

Finally getting some good December snow here. Hopefully I'll have to crank up the ol' snowblower tomorrow!

-2 degrees this morning, with 6-8 inches of snow this morning!
You live there...why????
To quote the great Lloyd Christmas: "A place where the beer flows like wine. Where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. I'm talking about a little place called Aspen."

Plus, the skiing in winter is bitchin', and the cycling in summer is awesome. Also, that is where Mrs. Buff lives.

i think we are due to get 2-3 inches this evening. I get to drive in it this evening when mr snick gets home to take care of minisnick
