~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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It's kind of weather related, but they are running "The Eddie" today at Waimea Bay on the North Shore. This is a big wave surf competition that is only held when they are going to get consistent 40' waves and the last time it was held was 2009. It's evidently only been held 9 times (including this year) over the past 30 years, so it's a big deal. They've got a live stream online here if anyone's interested. The waves right now are running around 20-25' with a few 40' ones coming through.


Couple of pics from yesterday. It was evidently the largest waves ever seen at the event, with some estimates saying they topped out over 60'. It was cool to watch on tv.



I would have to learn to surf if I lived there, that looks f'n awesome, especially the top photo!

This time last year, there was about 4+ feet of accumulated snow in the front yard with snow piles higher than that and the streets were barely passable by two cars. Today? I've got the heat off and windows wide open. I guess my Wachusett's season pass was a waste this year.

I don't recall the snow accumulation here, but I know it wasn't this warm.  We had 60+ yesterday and today.  Certainly had that "spring" smell in the air.  I guess I'm not complaining.

The tulips have sprouted out front of the office last week. We're supposed to hit 70 today.

Nope, no global warming at all...

the planet is a billion(s) years old, lets all freak out instead of enjoying what we consider an early spring with our 100 years of data.

Supposed to hit 70 here today.  Fingers crossed, because the garage needs cleaning.  

We're back to normal, winter storm warning for this evening.  3-6" of snow.  What a roller-coaster.  I don't really care one way or another, I'm focused on April 30th.


I know we will have more snow, but this winter was pretty cold early on, I had snow in my backyard from thanksgiving till nearly the end of January,  I am taking the money from my tax returns that I was going to donate to the poor and buy a new mtn bike and I'm ready for the sun and warmth (& dry trails)
