~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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I swear, my family is adjusting to the weather out here in the tropics too quickly! We'll never be able to move back to the mainland, because they'll freeze no matter where we go. It's been windy here this week with 30+ mph sustained winds and gusts up to 45-50 mph (which makes running a lot harder!). This coupled with temps in the mid-70s evidently makes it "freezing". At least that's what mini-ble1 told me yesterday when I was asking him how school went. He told me that they were all freezing. I, on the other hand, am loving this "winter" weather.

There is also supposed to be an outdoor hockey game at Coors Field tomorrow, that should be interesting considering that it's 65°

another winter storm coming through tomorrow although the forecast for us keeps changing.  it has gone from 3-5 inches of snow to just rain and now back to 3-5 inches of snow and rain before/after....really wish they can get it right.  If we are going to get 3-5 inches of snow at the times they are thinking I am not driving to work tomorrow.
