~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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In Burlington VT.   Predicting 0F by 1:00p and -15F the low.  Ouch. 

Started out -5F this morning.  Hasn't improved much.  But we have the same wind chill warnings.  Guess I picked a good night to take the Mrs. out.  LOL

I think the wind chill is supposed to be -30 or something terrible like that. 

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Cold?  It's been 50+ for the last several days and expected to continue through this week.  Nope, no global warming here.

I guess it's coming this way.  After a couple of days of record cold, they're saying we'll approach 50 tomorrow 

meanwhile, 60 miles west of Denver...(this pic was taken yesterday) yeah that's some fool on a frozen pond..

