~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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No school tomorrow either. I guess I get to stay home and fight with my daughter all day again.

0 deg F sounds like a nice overnight temp.

Talk about ball shrinkage.

More snow on the way. Schools are already starting to cancel.

13" of snow in my driveway so far and we're supposed to get another 6" overnight. Just got back from the store and no major calamities, just a couple cars stuck in the the street. It's really light and fluffy snow, so shouldn't be too much of a problem to clean up.

It's drifting a lot here. Other than the snow blower ingesting the newspaper, no real problems. I was impressed. It threw a bunch of paper shreds down the street before it jammed.

Several inches on the ground. Supposed to be steady snowfall all day. I think I'll work from home today

Same here. Schools are closed and I'm tired from last night.

13" of snow in my driveway so far and we're supposed to get another 6" overnight. Just got back from the store and no major calamities, just a couple cars stuck in the the street. It's really light and fluffy snow, so shouldn't be too much of a problem to clean up.

It's drifting a lot here. Other than the snow blower ingesting the newspaper, no real problems. I was impressed. It threw a bunch of paper shreds down the street before it jammed.

About the same conditions here. I like how the East coast made national news on "so much snow" and the mid-west gets more than that with no recognition. LOL

13" of snow in my driveway so far and we're supposed to get another 6" overnight. Just got back from the store and no major calamities, just a couple cars stuck in the the street. It's really light and fluffy snow, so shouldn't be too much of a problem to clean up.
It's drifting a lot here. Other than the snow blower ingesting the newspaper, no real problems. I was impressed. It threw a bunch of paper shreds down the street before it jammed.
About the same conditions here. I like how the East coast made national news on "so much snow" and the mid-west gets more than that with no recognition. LOL
Cause the midwest is not populated with a big bunch of babies.