The Pet Thread

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My daughter took it better than I thought. She was obviously closer to the dog than the cat. But I can never gauge how she's going to react to stuff. I just don't get females, even when they're 7 years old. I e-mailed her teacher just in case she has a melt down in class tomorrow.

My daughter found 5 of her cats claws in her carpet today... Guess that thing had to be pretty sick of its claws were falling out?

However I am glad she found them so she can have a little something to remember the beast!

Sorry to hear the bad news with pets. They are part of your family and it's hard to loose one, or go through things with one.

Vets suck, everywhere! It took me stating that I was going to bring my cat to the pound in order to get help with her.

Bought a dog, and DD (my special needs kid) never warmed up and still doesn't like them. But she likes cats. So the dog was adopted by my sister. I picked up a wild kitten from a woman trying to find homes for an abandoned litter. Thought the cat was male, until she ended up big and pregnant. Well that cat doesn't even get done nursing one litter before getting pregnant again. Could not find a single vet who would spay her while she was wet from nursing and pregnant. Three litters later, I have had enough, and said I was putting her down. She tamed up pretty good, and sleeps in bed with my kids, but I just can't do the never ending kittens. Fighting getting the smell from all those kittens out of my living room.

Well one woman offered to help, and pregnant and/or nursing still she will be fixed at the end of this month.

Sorry to hear the bad news with pets. They are part of your family and it's hard to loose one, or go through things with one.

Vets suck, everywhere! It took me stating that I was going to bring my cat to the pound in order to get help with her.

Bought a dog, and DD (my special needs kid) never warmed up and still doesn't like them. But she likes cats. So the dog was adopted by my sister. I picked up a wild kitten from a woman trying to find homes for an abandoned litter. Thought the cat was male, until she ended up big and pregnant. Well that cat doesn't even get done nursing one litter before getting pregnant again. Could not find a single vet who would spay her while she was wet from nursing and pregnant. Three litters later, I have had enough, and said I was putting her down. She tamed up pretty good, and sleeps in bed with my kids, but I just can't do the never ending kittens. Fighting getting the smell from all those kittens out of my living room.

Well one woman offered to help, and pregnant and/or nursing still she will be fixed at the end of this month.

ummm.... you know that it takes two cats for a litter of kittens to be made, right?

We had our male kitten taken care of pretty quick at the first sign of "interest" in his sister and then just ensured that the female cat remained indoors until the following month when we had her taken care of too.


Doing her best to try and hide under the table while being comfy on the couch.

The "rescue" dog that we adopted at the end of September 2014, had to have 18 teeth removed yesterday. He was already missing 3. No, dogs don't come with dental plans.

Holy crap! We had our basset's teeth cleaned yesterday and they had to pull 4 teeth. I couldn't imagine having 18 pulled. How many teeth do dogs have anyway?

I think adult dogs have around 42 teeth. I just hope his breath will smell less like rotten fish.

Although I've had dogs my entire life, I've never done regular maintenance to their teeth. I would think if you started brushing them when they were a puppy then it wouldn't be a difficult thing to do on a regular basis. Maybe with the next one.

My dog is 12 and his breath stinks and his teeth look like hell. We had his teeth cleaned once. they have to anesthetize him and scrape the scale off. It's pretty traumatic not too mention the cost.

18 teeth? wow. Was it the teeth or are his gums in tough shape? Is he getting gold replacements for some serious bling?

Both his gums and the teeth were in bad shape. I'm sure his teeth never saw a toothbrush until we took him home. But, his jaw lines don't match up so some of his bottom teeth were rubbing the gum line of the top causing issues. He also had a few impacted teeth that need to be removed.

He never really chewed his food anyway. He tends to eat his hard food with a gulping action.

Maybe we'll buy him some grills. My daughter suggested vampire replacement teeth.

We've fed my dog Iams kibble food for his entire life. Lately he was eating very sluggishly and intermittently and lost a lot of weight. The vet suggested switching to canned or softer food. My wife bought some softer food and he's been eating it all immediately when we put it down. Maybe his teeth are bothering him? Interestingly whenever I give him Milk bones, he eats those immediately, too. I think he's just getting more weird as he gets older.

One experiment you can try is to take the dry food, mix with water, and let it soften up a while (the kibble will swell up and turn to mush, so keep that in mind from a quantity/fullness perspective.) If he eats a bit, then polishes it off, you can possibly isolate it as a dental/pain issue. If he continues to turn his nose up at it, likely not the case.


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