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I could do without the flash bangs and train horns I suppose.

WTF, both of my arms are bruising today from the allergy shots. 
I had been getting large painful welts from my shots over the past month or so.  Enough that the swelling was about 3-4" square, 1/2" or so high, and not subsiding for about 4-5 days, and itching 5-6 days.  So of course, when it didn't seem like it was getting better I said something about it.  They told me to go one more week and if it didn't get better, they'd back down the dosage.  Sure enough, I only had two small bumps this time around.  Go figure.  

A few months ago I tried to treat some hormonal acne on my chin using all sorts of stuff (apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, benzoyl peroxide, clay mask) and ended up getting a horrible rash/chemical burn that disfigured me for a few weeks and left my chin with hyperpigmentation. I'd also started using a new brand of makeup around the same time so I had no idea what caused the rash. I woke up with the same chemical burn again due to a single drop of tea tree oil that I applied to a zit. So it's great that I now know the cause, but I get to deal with oozy blisters and peeling skin for the next week or so. 

Yikes!  Sorry to hear YMZ, how bizarre!

Mrs. Supe brought home ALL of her wedding flowers, minus one piece she gave to her mother.  So, my house is one giant asthma attack right now.  

Yikes!  Sorry to hear YMZ, how bizarre!

Mrs. Supe brought home ALL of her wedding flowers, minus one piece she gave to her mother.  So, my house is one giant asthma attack right now.  
Exactly why I only ordered bouquets for myself and bridesmaids.  No center pieces or floral decor....i didn't want to die.  

We raffled off our centerpieces to the guests. I also took Zyrtec before the ceremony. :)

Exactly why I only ordered bouquets for myself and bridesmaids.  No center pieces or floral decor....i didn't want to die.  
She was dead set on how she wanted to have her centerpieces look.  She really lucked out that the florist was able to get her the flowers she wanted even though they are out of season.  Florist was really touch and go for a while, but did an unbelievable job at a third the price of her nearest quote.  She found her at the local farmer's market after her name was mentioned online somewhere.  

I'm pretty much living off of zyrtec, benadryl, and three inhalers for now.


both arms still hurting after allergy shots yesterday...they usually only burn for a quick bit as the shots are administered, but this is crazy.  

both arms still hurting after allergy shots yesterday...they usually only burn for a quick bit as the shots are administered, but this is crazy.  
Let them know.  They've started repeating doses for me when I get the big welts on my arms from them.  Usually goes from baseball sized welt, to golfball sized welt, to just hurt/itch the next go around.

Let them know.  They've started repeating doses for me when I get the big welts on my arms from them.  Usually goes from baseball sized welt, to golfball sized welt, to just hurt/itch the next go around.
i think it was a function of where....this guy tends to inject towards the back of the arm.  

I've only ever gotten them in the back of the arm, about mid-tricep.

I am so sick and tired of playing volleyball in my house with this damn cold. At least one person in my house has been sick with a damn cold since Halloween. HFS, enough already.

I am so sick and tired of playing volleyball in my house with this damn cold. At least one person in my house has been sick with a damn cold since Halloween. HFS, enough already.
Start wearing your SCBA around the house. You have to break the cycle.

Start wearing your SCBA around the house. You have to break the cycle.
well, right now everyone is sick at the same time. I'm hoping that will make it so no one new can be infected and it gets kicked once and for all. Damn snot-nosed kids.
