--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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Couldn't sleep last night, WICKED heartburn that is carrying through today.  Wondering if headache meds are interfering with my acid reflux Rx's.

So. I fell and fractured my ******* pinky.

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I'm not allowed to walk anywhere anymore.

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ugh...allergy attack from last week has turned into what feeling like a minor sinus infection and fluid build up in the ears.  I can still function so I will let it runs its course...hopefully it wont be too long

Anyone else going on 2 weeks of the can't sleep at night coughing fits?

Between the 4 bottles of the "meth" cough medicine and the jack n coke I still can't barely fall asleep before 1 am:(

Everyone at home got sick over the holidays except me.   Then I ended up with a skin infection.  On day 4 of 10 with antibiotics.   It was painful, but what hurts more is no beer until then. 

Every now and then I have a few coughing fits but usually in the morning. I've been told that coughing fits like that (no matter what time they happen) can be related to acid reflux issues.

Anyone else going on 2 weeks of the can't sleep at night coughing fits?

Between the 4 bottles of the "meth" cough medicine and the jack n coke I still can't barely fall asleep before 1 am:(
probably more to do with the meds keeping you up than the coughing.  I can't take sudafed containing meds past noon or I am up all night wired.

elevating my head more than the normal pillow worked too.  Never thought the kiddos Boppy pillow would be so helpful for a grownup, but it is. 

i coughed up so much nast this morning i probably lost a pound

i coughed up so much nast this morning i probably lost a pound
Join the club... actually in my case it was worse, my wife woke up with a bad mood because she couldn't sleep properly because of my coughing... and now it is double punch... well, can a wife in bad mood be considered a medical condition? :D :p  

Join the club... actually in my case it was worse, my wife woke up with a bad mood because she couldn't sleep properly because of my coughing... and now it is double punch... well, can a wife in bad mood be considered a medical condition? :D :p  
you prob should ask the wife that :p

I'm allergic to something at work.  I thought my sinus infection/snot machine was on the mend this morning.  10 minutes after getting here this morning and boom!!!  The pressure is back, the snot is on overdrive.  My sinus feel like they are going to explode.  

I'm allergic to something at work.  I thought my sinus infection/snot machine was on the mend this morning.  10 minutes after getting here this morning and boom!!!  The pressure is back, the snot is on overdrive.  My sinus feel like they are going to explode.  
do you have alka seltzer? thats the only thing ive used to treat sinus pressure. are you in an old building?

someone has been using the 1 seater toilet inside our office for NON NUMBER 1 USES and it wafts directly to my desk

i would rather have sinus runnies than breathe that **** in UGH

go to the restrooms down the hall or at LEAST use the air freshener that is SITTING RIGHT ******* THERE

I now have a candle at the end of my desk for sanity :)

We are in an old building, but we have been here for 7 yrs and nothing has hit me this bad.  There are two recent transplants to the immediate vicinity.  One has two air freshers set up on the top shelves of the cube walls that are abut a heavy traffic hall so it wafts as people walk by, the other might be a heavy colgne/aftershave user.  He hasn't been around much but the days he is here my throat tickles so it is hard to say which is the main cause.  it is just annoying
