--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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Damn it.  So worn down from my "vacation" and travel that I just picked up another sinus/ear infection.  Head is pounding, so I'm working from home today.  Need to call at 8 am and see if my doc has any cancellations so I can sneak in for some antibiotics sometime today.

Got an appt., more antibiotics with prednisone on standby.  I thought it was longer, but it's only been three months since my last one.  He suggested I go get a sinus CT scan.  My sister had the surgery and said it didn't work for her.  Has anyone here had balloon sinuplasty or know anyone who has?  Far less invasive/costly, but still uses a balloon to crush your face bones...

Got an appt., more antibiotics with prednisone on standby.  I thought it was longer, but it's only been three months since my last one.  He suggested I go get a sinus CT scan.  My sister had the surgery and said it didn't work for her.  Has anyone here had balloon sinuplasty or know anyone who has?  Far less invasive/costly, but still uses a balloon to crush your face bones...
Mini-Tex had balloon sinuplasty, turbinate reduction, and septoplasty at the end of last year.  Even though the surgery itself was not too much fun, he says that he can breathe better than he has ever been able to breathe in his whole 15-year old life...It has had an improved effect on everything from his allergies, to his sleep, to his aerobic conditioning.

Also, just another kind of gross note...they don't pack your nose full of gauze anymore.  The fluids just flow free after the surgery.

I may have to really explore the option.  4-6 sinus infections a year isn't fun, and neither is blowing your nose, getting a "good one", and feeling something slither out from your forehead.  I was leery about how well the balloon sinuplasty really worked without tissue removal until I watched a few videos.  The difference was IMMEDIATE where they used it, and held its shape.

REALLY glad to hear about the nose gauze.  When my sister had hers done, she had the gauze removed, but kept having horrible breath and smelling something terrible many days afterwards.  She went back to the doctors, they told her "this won't be pleasant", and fished out a broken off rotting piece of gauze out from her sinus cavity  :puke:

I believe @Dexman PE PMP had sinus surgery last year, if you can catch him around here to ask him about it.  Pretty sure he did have the gauze packing.

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looks like I need make a dr appt for snickette today.  something is wrong but the symptoms don't fit anything in particular.  

Feel better soon, Snick.  Even though my sinuses cleared up, my chest didn't.  Down to two-a-days on prednisone for it.  

@NJmike PE try Tecnu Extreme: http://www.teclabsinc.com/products/poison-oak-ivy/tecnu-extreme/

For me, it's the only thing that stops the itching so I can sleep the night.
try http://www.zanfel.com/help

It's expensive but it works, it relieves the itching and can reverse the reaction.

Also, if you think you've been in contact with the plant, use Dawn liquid dishwashing soap and take a shower as soon as you can.  It's the oils in the plant that cause the rash, Dawn will break up grease and oil so it has a good chance of washing it off before the rash starts.

I believe @Dexman PE PMP had sinus surgery last year, if you can catch him around here to ask him about it.  Pretty sure he did have the gauze packing.
I did have surgery, but it was for a deviated septum. I needed the packing because it held everything in place while it re-healed. It was a crappy week, but once everything was removed I felt awesome.  Really glad I did it.

they started early today!!!!  I didn't catch the recirculate button soon enough since I wasn't expecting it at 6:30 in the morning.  combined with the allergy shot yesterday my allergies were already on overload.  

Had my sinus CT today.  Deviated septum, right side closes up, but he commented that it should not be the leading cause of my problems, and that surgery should be a last resort.  He thinks my acid reflux is the primary cause, and they are going to look for ways to really minimize it.  Naturally, avoidance of hot and spicy foods isn't going to happen, so I'm going to be taking more reflux meds at night, and I can't eat as late.  He also wants me to try tilting my bed forward.  
