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Junior's best friend (who she sits next to on the bus) has the mumps, and so does her mother.  I pray we don't get it now.  Apparently there's a wave of it going around.  I feel like I should be getting scarlet fever and polio while I'm at it.

was she not vaccinated??  MMR shot kiddos get has mumps in it Or are they part of the minor percentage where the vaccines don't always work?

FML.  Junior spent all last evening and this morning throwing up.  I hope this is what I had a few weeks ago still making its rounds, and not something new (or a symptom of mumps) that will send me back to the porcelain throne.

Ugh, that sucks snick and supe. Everyone we know has gotten sick with various malaises but Baby YMZ and I have managed to avoid it so far. Today's the last day of school so I hope we'll remain safe from kid-transmitted sicknesses for a few weeks.

still can't feel the lower left quad of my jaw.  Had a dentist appt to fill a cavity.  My teeth are REALLY close together, he was have a booger of time trying to just access the area.   Hopefully it will wear off by lunch.   

If you want a quick and effective weight loss method, visit Colorado!

The stomach flu that's been going around permitted about 3 lb weight loss in a matter of 24 hours. Still haven't eaten to much solid food.

Results will vary and aren't guaranteed...

If you want a quick and effective weight loss method, visit Colorado!

The stomach flu that's been going around permitted about 3 lb weight loss in a matter of 24 hours. Still haven't eaten to much solid food.

Results will vary and aren't guaranteed...
yikes....feel better

Took 2 days to get back to feeling mostly human. Stomach shrunk and still not eating nearly the amount of food i was used to.

getting travel vaccinations this afternoon! i don't like needles.

Yup, that'll help calm her.
lol. I'm ok I just can't watch them poke me. I have to look away. I think it's mostly a 95% irrational fear that i'll spasm as they start poking and they'll tear a gash open in my arm and I will bleed FOREVERANDDIE. hahahaha

Good luck! Where are you going? Some travel vaccitions can hurt... I hope it's not the case for you!
Going to Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia. I'm up to date on tetanus, but I have to get typhoid (supposed to hurt), Hepatitis A and a polio booster. Some of my travel buddies have gotten pills so we'll see what this doc gives me (new doc. I'm bad at finding a primary care physician that isn't my original primary care physician. lol)


lol. I'm ok I just can't watch them poke me. I have to look away. I think it's mostly a 95% irrational fear that i'll spasm as they start poking and they'll tear a gash open in my arm and I will bleed FOREVERANDDIE. hahahaha
You'll be totally fine! :)

... Going to Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia...
That sounds like real fun... great food, nice people and beautiful places... snorkel the blue Andaman Seas and enjoy the street food of Bangkok... just make sure you are drinking bottled water purchased from a reputable store as bottled waters can be counterfeit. 


5 minutes ago, thejulie_PE said: ... Going to Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia...
That sounds like real fun... great food, nice people and beautiful places... snorkel the blue Andaman Seas and enjoy the street food of Bangkok... just make sure you are drinking bottled water purchased from a reputable store as bottled waters can be counterfeit. Enjoy.
Thanks for the tip! I'll be with one Thai and one expat living in bkk, and then 3 other mericans. Doc drew my blood. Had to have a cookie for good measure. I think I'm gonna like this new doc!

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Thanks for the tip! I'll be with one Thai and one expat living in bkk, and then 3 other mericans. Doc drew my blood. Had to have a cookie for good measure. I think I'm gonna like this new doc!

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
You are welcome... the Thai and the BKK expat have the immunity but as an US resident, if you are like me, the immunity is low. So, please watch out for water, juices and fresh fruits that have been cut and kept out for a while. I have visited Thailand and just love the place. Just had to be careful with water, but ate my hearts content. 
