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well the tylenol and sudafed have help get rid of the inner ear imbalance queasiness that was accompanying the ear pain but still in pain.  The storm headed this way is going to be a dousy. 

snickette woke up this morning with a lovely case of what looks to be pink eye in one eye, going to monitor the situation.  she didn't wake up all crusty eye so it might just be an allergy...urgh   

One thing that is driving me nuts though - my allergy shots are making eczema flare up.  My inner elbows get a bit rashy and start to itch.  Apparently its a thing, because the girl giving the shots had a tub of Eucerin and some swabs sitting there for it...

Wow just did the math, I have been getting allergy shots for just over 3 years now...i wonder how much longer the dr is going to make me get them.

Mine told me three years, but I've heard exceptionally bad cases can go five.  She also told me that if I relocated to another area, or moved and came back, that I'd likely have to start all over again.

I guess I'll find out may 9th at my dr appt with the allergist.  although I haven't been around cats to test if that part of the serum has worked. 

was home yesterday and half of monday with snickette.  poor thing spiked a 104 fever, ear infection, upper respiratory infection and sinus infection.  her nose/sinuses were so plugged up the nasty green stuff was escaping out of the corner of her eyes.      

this morning the fever was gone and the eyes mostly stopped oozing yesterday.  after a hot shower and a couple of really productive sneezes a good amount of yuck escaped and opened up her nose.  she is still having a hard time sleeping though with the upper respiratory issue.  

looks like I am going to have to keep a closer eye on her seasonal allergies.  she is still a little to little for daily allergy meds...definitely will have to talk to her PCP at her 15 mo dr visit friday.    She weighed in at a full 18 lbs 15 ozs on monday afternoon.  

Oh yeah, BTW, had surgery Thursday.  Nothing too serious...just got my knee scoped for a split meniscus.  In and out that day and I was actually walking around the house a bit by that night.

Got the MRI on a Wednesday and went in to look at that Friday.  Monday I was setting up my surgery for that Thursday so it was nice to get in so quick.  Had to rush to get my paperwork in though so I ended up at an iffy urgent care who ended up losing some of my lab work the day before I was supposed to go in.  Fortunately I work within 2 or 3 miles of a 1/2 dozen hospitals so I was able to get more blood work that day.

Yikes, be sure to take it easy!  Hope you have an easier road to recovery than my father had.  30+ years as a package car driver did a number on his knee, so he too was scoped/cleaned out for a meniscus tear.

is it possible to partially dislocate toes?  Last week I got my toes caught in the strap of canvas bag that was caught under a hamper and my toes got yanked as i tripped.  It hurt like hell for a bit but they never bruised nor are they sore to touch.  However walking does, not extreme but enough to hobble slightly.  the tendons must still be inflamed but geeze!!!!  

So I wiped out big time going downhill on the Alpine Slide in Vermont.  Went hot into a curve, went airborne, sled left without me.  Rashed my knee, forearm, and upper arm.  Forearm took the brunt of it.  Just starting to heal up, and it hurts like hell.  You can just see the skin starting to regenerate around the hair follicles, but it is stupid tender to the touch.  Unfortunately, it's so inflexible right now, that if I squeeze my arm, the "scabbed" area tears around the periphery and opens back up again.

I wiped out on one of those in Durango. Way worse than road rash from a bike crash. I think the fiberglass track makes it worse. I hope it heals up quickly for you.

I wiped out on one of those in Durango. Way worse than road rash from a bike crash. I think the fiberglass track makes it worse. I hope it heals up quickly for you.
Some serious friction on those things.  I was wearing a pair of golf shorts, and they actually melted where my thigh rubbed the track.  TFMS wiped out too on her first trip down after nearly rear-ending junior, who was not quite as fast as she thought she would be.
