--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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At the walk in now. Can't take it anymore. Soaking through clothes and sheets from sweat. As soon as I take a fever reducer, it goes from chills to sweats, to 45 minutes of tolerable, and then back to chills every 4 hours like clockwork. When fever reducer wears off, I'm hitting 103 degrees.

Good luck Supe.  I hope they take you quickly and don't leave you rotting in the waiting room for hours.

Ended up giving me tamiflu and a prescription cough medicine. All I can do now is wait it out.

When I had the flu a couple months ago they wouldn't really give me a magic pill to make it go away, but they did tell me to try to take 300 mg of fish oil every day? I'm not sure exactly what it does but I do believe it helped me when I was sick

When the kids get a fever, we alternate Advil & Tylenol every 2 hours for about a day. 

Been doing that more or less with whatever is the fever reducer in the tussin.

Still at 101 today. Cough stuff they gave me doesn't work at all, had to drag myself out and get more of the tussin.

Cough really tightened up overnight, and couldn't go more than a few seconds without hacking. Was really, really hard to breathe. Turns out it all manifested itself as bacterial pneumonia.

wow.  you can't cut a break Supe.  Hope they can get rid of the virus and you get better soon.

Cough still bad but loosened back up. Can at least catch my breath today, and body temp has been low (96) which is an indicator of the bacterial infection.

Antibiotics ran out this morning, and still not over the hump.  Very winded, struggling to keep the cough under control, and still seeing blood come up in the mornings and periodically throughout the day.  Have another 1:30 doctors appointment tomorrow.  Hoping they do something that gets me ready for a 9 hour road trip and a weekend of racing.  If I'm lucky, they'll give me a nebulizer treatment.  

^^^Ugh.  I was going to complain about my allergies and stomach bug, but now it doesn't seems so bad.  Work really isn't happening today though.  Sitting at my desk drinking hibiscus tea, trying not to use up all my sick time before June...

^^^Ugh.  I was going to complain about my allergies and stomach bug, but now it doesn't seems so bad.  Work really isn't happening today though.  Sitting at my desk drinking hibiscus tea, trying not to use up all my sick time before June...
Thankfully they're pretty liberal about letting me work from home.  Last week was slow since a virus crippled most of the network, and even the people in the office had very limited systems access.  Sorry you're feeling like crap.  I thought my stomach was going to be safe, and then the antibiotics kicked in...

Back at the docs yesterday.  His comment was that all my airways/passages "aren't just inflamed, they're literally as red as that exit sign."  His theory is that it's mycoplasmal(?) pneumonia, and that the antibiotics I was on were targeting the wrong strain of bacteria.  On a whopper dose of a new antibiotic for another 14 days.  He commented that if this doesn't kick it, there's not much else they can try on an outpatient basis.  

Thanks, me too.  My chest feels a bit better today, but my damn head is spinning.  Going to go eat something and see if it helps.  Unfortunately my voice is completely blown out again.  I'm the lone ranger in the office today, so all these f'ing phone calls aren't helping.  

Sorry to hear, Snick.

Thankfully, my cough seems to have stopped about 99%.  Unfortunately, I have been getting wicked headaches behind my left eye and the left side of my head, almost every day.  If it keeps up or doesn't seem to correlate with allergies/sinuses, back to the doc I go.
