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#1 and #3 both clear of all vommitting activities, however #2 began puking this morning.

In total 17 people got sick from this thing within 24 hours of contact.

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It's coming out the wrong end for it to be Taco Bell!

^ good luck.  Though aren't you a bit young to be dealing with all this BS already?
All started at about age 20, so I'd say yeah...

Came out OK, sore throat and a little loopy/off balance from the anesthesia.  They noticed an excess of bile and some lesions/irritation at the top of the stomach near the base of the esophagus (they took some tissue to biopsy).  They're putting me on the prescription strength nexium, and putting me back on cholestyramine powder to try and deal with the bile problem. 

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The purple pill!  Watch out for those "side effects".  Good luck though.
Thankfully I don't think the OTC dosage has given me many problems, and was an absolute life changer when it came to controlling GERD.  Hopefully the powder they're putting me back on will control the nastiest of side effects, since it acts as a binder and has worked wonders for me historically.

^^^Could be, as a last resort, but no...They are the oak tree flowers that look like worms that cover everything in Central Texas with yellow pollen this time of year.  Misery.

puree a worm, mix with a powdered acorn.  Add 2 spoonfuls to a mug of hot water.  Enjoy

Guaranteed to take your mind off your allergies.

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Allergies wore me down. Nasty virus, throat sore, fever of 102, shakes and sweating through my clothes. Can't catch a break!
