--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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that sucks, saw that on FB, wasn't sure if you did that while skiing?  Hopefully well have a late May ski season this year..& you can recoup quickly!
I'll be up on the slopes in a couple weeks. I unfortunately have done this a few times, and know how to maximize the recovery so that I can still salvage the ski season. If you get queasy easily, do NOT do an image search for dislocated kneecap. Luckily, my kneecap went back in on it's own. It took a real feat not to cuss up a storm while I was laying in the middle of the icy street, right in front of an elementary school.

Ended up at the hospital yesterday.  Horrific stabbing pains in the stomach, lasted about 12 hours before it let up in duration.  Projectile vomiting anything that went in me, pills included.  Happened once before in December, but didn't last as long.  Ultrasound showed some liver inflammation, liver enzymes up, white blood cell count up.  They think its either an infection or possible residual issues from having my gall bladder out a long time ago.  Going to get a GI referral and pray it doesn't happen again.  Totally exhausted and stomach has been upset all day, but at least able to keep pedialyte down.  Suuuuuuuucks.

Ironically enough, my liver enzymes/ALT/AST's are just as high or higher than when I WAS drinking.  

Also, I am now out of pedialyte and my farts are so sulfurically wretched that even I can't stomach sitting in my own office.  

For the sake of this building, I hope no one brings an open flame past the men's room.  
