--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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Anybody had an ACL reconstructed and meniscus repaired? I'm scheduled for August 4th. Dr. Says I'll be walking in two weeks post op. Find that hard to believe give it has taken me five weeks from injury to start weight bearing again...
I had an ACL and meniscus, but I had the sacrifical patella procedure. The heads of the bones were mashed a bit too. It is rock solid now, but I was walking without crutches closer to 6 weeks, and not on beach sand.

but with a cadaver it would go faster I hear.

I just don't want some hunk of walking dead stuck in my leg. but that's just me...

I'm getting a hammy replacement. My bones were 'compacted' as well. Other than bone bruising (which I'm sure contributed to the pain) I don't know that the compacting does anything bad.

I was told my bum leg would be just as good as the good leg (with time, of course) so skiing is in for 2016/2017.

I'm getting a hammy replacement. My bones were 'compacted' as well. Other than bone bruising (which I'm sure contributed to the pain) I don't know that the compacting does anything bad.

I was told my bum leg would be just as good as the good leg (with time, of course) so skiing is in for 2016/2017.
Eventually my injured leg became the stronger one. I was skiing 8 months post op, while I had most of the strength back it was more of a mental obstacle to overcome.

Be sure to get the constant passive motion machine for home and the cryo cuff. I was on prescription pain meds for 3 days then just alternated advil and tylenol every 2 or 3 hours.

I hope it's not a brown recluse. I understand they're pretty nasty.
