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She wouldn't be typing in this thread if it were a brown recluse!

it might have been, best they could say was it was either a wolf spider or a minor bite from a brown recluse, I don't have much necrosis, but they removed a bunch of nastiness and bandaged me up and gave me the typical wound care instructions and I'm on Keflax and a few other perscriptions (I think ones a steroid but have a call into my sister the pharmacist to find out)... I have a hole about the size of a dime and as deep as a pencil eraser but we'll see what it looks like when it heals, they packed it with the silver bandage stuff.

I'm not going to post a photo because of it's location... I think that spider was headed to "china" is that what someone else said in another thread? That and it's really nasty, like gag and throw up....

Yikes! I hope it heals quickly and you don't have any other complications.

sorry to hear about that! Those can hurt really bad. when in basic training I was bitten by a spider "on my privates" while in the field and it hurt like a MF'er (& really didn't look well either)

I had a really bad reaction to eating raw pineapple tonight. Looked it up and apparently it's common to develop an intolerance to it when you get older. Aging sucks.

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I had a really bad reaction to eating raw pineapple tonight. Looked it up and apparently it's common to develop an intolerance to it when you get older. Aging sucks.

That sucks. I've started having reactions to a lot of non-citrus fruits that haven't been skinned/processed - apples, peaches, plums, etc. Apparently, its something tied to the dander in the skin. Once processed (fruit cups, applesauce), I can eat it without any issue. My reaction to eating a pomegranate nearly put me in the ER one night, but thankfully, a mouth full of benadryl got the swelling down enough for me to breathe ok.

my right eye is messed up something awful for the past couple days. the upper eyelid is all swollen, the white of my eye is all red, the eye is watering but I don't have the crusties going on. Dr office was booked solid yesterday and today...they are squeezing me in at 5:15.

i first thought allergies, so I have let it go for a couple days, but it isn't getting better even with my allergy eye drops

I had a really bad reaction to eating raw pineapple tonight. Looked it up and apparently it's common to develop an intolerance to it when you get older. Aging sucks.

That sucks. I've started having reactions to a lot of non-citrus fruits that haven't been skinned/processed - apples, peaches, plums, etc. Apparently, its something tied to the dander in the skin. Once processed (fruit cups, applesauce), I can eat it without any issue. My reaction to eating a pomegranate nearly put me in the ER one night, but thankfully, a mouth full of benadryl got the swelling down enough for me to breathe ok.
do you carry an epipen?

I had a really bad reaction to eating raw pineapple tonight. Looked it up and apparently it's common to develop an intolerance to it when you get older. Aging sucks.

That sucks. I've started having reactions to a lot of non-citrus fruits that haven't been skinned/processed - apples, peaches, plums, etc. Apparently, its something tied to the dander in the skin. Once processed (fruit cups, applesauce), I can eat it without any issue. My reaction to eating a pomegranate nearly put me in the ER one night, but thankfully, a mouth full of benadryl got the swelling down enough for me to breathe ok.
do you carry an epipen?

No, but I should. Have not been back to a primary care doctor since that happened.

I had a really bad reaction to eating raw pineapple tonight. Looked it up and apparently it's common to develop an intolerance to it when you get older. Aging sucks.
That sucks. I've started having reactions to a lot of non-citrus fruits that haven't been skinned/processed - apples, peaches, plums, etc. Apparently, its something tied to the dander in the skin. Once processed (fruit cups, applesauce), I can eat it without any issue. My reaction to eating a pomegranate nearly put me in the ER one night, but thankfully, a mouth full of benadryl got the swelling down enough for me to breathe ok.
do you carry an epipen?
No, but I should. Have not been back to a primary care doctor since that happened.
in order to get the free epipen coupon to work with my insurance the allergy dr had to write the script for two boxes, so 4 of them. All to get eventually tossed anyways because my allergies aren't that sort of reaction but the Dr wont give shots without it.

great feeling when the tylenol kicks in...not completely gone but the edge is gone. sinus headache from hell this morning

Been working hard to dodge a sinus infection. Have gone to a nightly or 2X daily NeilMed sinus douche.

Trying to decide whether or not to take something for my 100 degree fever...it's on the edge of uncomfortable, but I'm trying to hold out. Hoping that the fever burns out whatever bug I have.


The NetiPot is useless. My sinuses need a pressure wash, not a gravity cleanse.
