--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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Trying to decide whether or not to take something for my 100 degree fever...it's on the edge of uncomfortable, but I'm trying to hold out. Hoping that the fever burns out whatever bug I have.
Bizarre, I was in the exact same situation at the exact time you posted this. I Try to let a fever run its course if I can, and almost got in a fight with my fiancé over it. Ended up waking up at 12:30 this morning and fever had spiked to 102.5 so I caved and took something.

Get well soon, MP.

Think I beat the sinus infection, but the weather starting to shift is already doing a number on my chest. Need to get back on singulair, stat.


The NetiPot is useless. My sinuses need a pressure wash, not a gravity cleanse.

Trying to decide whether or not to take something for my 100 degree fever...it's on the edge of uncomfortable, but I'm trying to hold out. Hoping that the fever burns out whatever bug I have.
Bizarre, I was in the exact same situation at the exact time you posted this. I Try to let a fever run its course if I can, and almost got in a fight with my fiancé over it. Ended up waking up at 12:30 this morning and fever had spiked to 102.5 so I caved and took something.
so how weird is it saying fiance?

All the single ladies, all the single ladies...woah oh ohhhhhh

Sinuses so blocked I can't breath through my nose. Brutal day. Not sure about work tomorrow

On a buttload of prednisone and antibiotics for my chest... and it's not working.

ear infection and possible sinus infection, here. hopefully the antibiotics kick in soon they left side of my face feels like i was slapped. super tender super sore.

Slept too flat at the hotel and was mouth-breathing all night. My throat/uvula is swollen like a golf ball. Worst feeling in the world, feels like you're choking on a giant booger that won't dislodge itself.

Of course I'm having to talk at these code meetings, so I sound like I'm in the early stages of puberty with my voice going in and out.
