--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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And just like that I'm sick. Went to work fine, felt great all through lunch, came back from lunch and about an hour later felt nauseous and had a fever. Still have a pretty u th fever, that's all from me folks, off to bed and hope this is gone by tomorrow.

How long does it take for a ruptured ear drum to heal? I've already looked it up but just wondered if anyone had any personal experience with it.
Mine didn't heal...infection went away but my eardrum had to be repaired surgically. They cut my ear alomst all the way off for the surgery. I have an awesome scar.

And just like that I'm sick. Went to work fine, felt great all through lunch, came back from lunch and about an hour later felt nauseous and had a fever. Still have a pretty u th fever, that's all from me folks, off to bed and hope this is gone by tomorrow.

Puking every two hours isn't how I wanted to spend my night. Can't sleep either...
Food Poisoning?

I don't think so, the flu is going around. One of my friends had the exact same problem I'm having and the doctor told her it's a 24/48 hr flu, whatever that is.

If you find her tell her to bring me some Advil and the strongest drugs she can get her hands on.

How long does it take for a ruptured ear drum to heal? I've already looked it up but just wondered if anyone had any personal experience with it.
Mine didn't heal...infection went away but my eardrum had to be repaired surgically. They cut my ear alomst all the way off for the surgery. I have an awesome scar.
Hmmm....not quite what I was looking to hear.....haha. But thanks for the insight. Hoping it doesn't come to that.
EG, how long did it take with the patch?

Stomach still f'd up. Massive dehydration headache, and the AC install today isn't helping.

How long does it take for a ruptured ear drum to heal? I've already looked it up but just wondered if anyone had any personal experience with it.
Mine didn't heal...infection went away but my eardrum had to be repaired surgically. They cut my ear alomst all the way off for the surgery. I have an awesome scar.
Hmmm....not quite what I was looking to hear.....haha. But thanks for the insight. Hoping it doesn't come to that.
EG, how long did it take with the patch?
I want to say like two months or so but her hearing came back much quicker than that in the ear

